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[Field Story] Tibetan Ambassador: “China will not be able to take away the spirit of freedom and independence of Tibetans.”


Tibet Ambassador and Dalai Lama's Special Envoy Arya Tsewang Gyalpo, head of Tibet House Japan, strongly criticized China's suppression of human rights in Tibet and anti-Tibet policies. He said, “Tibet, which was turned into a huge prison by China’s invasion, wants political independence,” and emphasized, “No matter how much China continues its oppressive rule over Tibet, it will not be able to take away the spirit of freedom and independence of the Tibetans.”

In an exclusive interview with Jayu Press, Representative Arya said, “In 1950, the Chinese Communist Party mobilized the military to invade Tibet,” and added, “More than 1 million Tibetans lost their lives in resistance.”

He continued, “China has continued to destroy the culture, religion, and values ​​of the Tibetan people to this day,” adding, “To date, in Tibet, a Buddhist country, China has destroyed more than 6,000 temples and Buddhist statues, oppressed Buddhists, and is obliterating the history of Buddhism in Tibet.” he pointed out.

“As a result, many Tibetans are living in exile in various countries such as the United States, Canada, and Europe,” he said. “This refutes the Chinese Communist Party’s claim of ‘liberation of Tibet from slavery,’ and Tibetans still want Tibet’s independence.” he emphasized.

He also said, “Currently, Tibet is forming a government in exile in India, and Tibetans hold presidential elections once every five years,” adding, “This is a meaningful action for Tibetans to pursue political independence from China.”


He then pointed out, “False and distorted Tibetan culture and history are forcibly taught to young students from elementary school to high school,” and “China is plotting to permanently enslave future generations of Tibetans as a colony.”

In addition, he emphasized, “The Tibetan government in exile wants peaceful independence from China and rejects communist politics within Tibet,” and added, “We Tibetans will fight to the end against all Chinese oppression and find true Tibetan freedom.”


Source: Jayu Press

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:36-38)

We hear that China's human rights oppression and anti-Tibetan policies against Tibet are getting worse day by day, and that false and distorted Tibetan culture and history are being forcibly taught to young students.

Lord, please have mercy on the Tibetan souls who live like slaves to this day due to the Chinese Communist Party's invasion that began in 1950.

We confess that the only true shepherd for the Tibetan souls who are suffering and weary like sheep without a shepherd is Jesus Christ.

May the global church send out workers who will fill the poor spirits of Tibetan souls with the gospel and turn them back to the Lord to see the time of harvest.

At this time when we are also hearing the good news that souls who fled from Tibet to India are coming back after hearing the gospel, we ask for increased grace through prayer.

Let the Tibetan people become free only through the truth of Jesus Christ, and let them become a people who liberate Chinese minorities and other nations through the guidance of the Holy Spirit!


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