[Field Story] Give praise through the life of the cross, Kurdistan

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Hello, my name is Divlin and I am a Kurdish.
I lived as a Muslim for a long time in my life, but one day I first sought the Lord when I heard the voice of Jesus saying, "Follow me." I was able to get a lot of information through the internet medium.
The more I learned about Jesus, the more I realized that the many contradictions that could not be resolved in Islam were all answered before the love of Jesus Christ on the cross. I believed in Jesus, the truth, and accepted him as my savior.
After that, hardship came into my life.
My husband divorced me because he couldn’t accept me as a Christian, and my family didn’t accept me either. Having lost my son to my husband, I had to raise my two daughters alone.
To make matters worse, I got into an accident at work. When I went to the hospital, I was also diagnosed with a possibility of cancer.
Every situation drives me to despair, but I have faith that God is with me. Thankfully, I am constantly attending worship meetings and getting to know God’s heart toward the nations of the world. I want my faith to be more solid on the Word.
Please pray for me that I will entrust my heart to the Lord who knows all my sorrows every day, and that my life will be joyfully dedicated to the Lord until the end.
1 Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting. 2 The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the outcasts of Israel. 3 He heals the broken-hearted and bins up their wounds (Psalms 147: 1-3)
Thank you, Lord, who loves sister Divlin and always accompanies her. I praise the grace that Islam could not give, calling and following the love of the cross of Jesus Christ.
Please receive the faith that the sister gives in the midst of suffering as she follows to resemble Jesus, and let her life be presented as worship to the Lord every day.
While Sister Divlin is away from her son, let her learn the heart of the Heavenly Father, who eagerly seeks the nations in front of the Word, looking forward to the day when Jesus, the eternal bridegroom, will return.
Also, you, Lord who has created the sister’s body, know better than anyone, please heal and bind up the areas where she was injured from the accident and even the areas of cancer. When we ask for it in prayer, let it be healed quickly, and let this be another testimony of sister Divlin so that everyone who hears will know that the words of Jesus Christ is living and working even at this hour.
At the end of the cross, there is always the joy of resurrection. May sister Divlin’s joy of overcoming and having victory be poured out upon the Kurds, so that they become people who are determined to endure hardships for the nations.
So, let the Kurds become a nation that takes the lead in the joy of gathering the souls of the scattered nations to Jesus Christ and establishing them as a church!
Amen, I praise our Lord Jesus as like our sister Divlin does every day with all her life. May her heart be fullfilled with joy from the cross und walk with the Holy spirit tu the end of time.