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[Field story] Be filled of life and truth! Morocco


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Hello, I am an Moroccan named Salma

I grew up in devout Muslin family but because of disagreement between parents and violence in family, I became atheist.

Even though I was doing Islamic prayer and fasting, when I see my parents angry towards each other and cannot forgive, I became skeptical towards not just Islam but towards religion and god.

I stopped fasting and praying; and I lived in fear as I was living an atheist life, not knowing when my parents will find out.

Then one day, I met a Christian friend and went to their home to play, and the Bible caught my eye.

I no longer believed in God or eternal love, but Jesus in the Bible came to me as beautiful and warm story

I asked my friend if they can give me the Bible and they gladly gave the Bible to me as a present, and we decided to read the book of John together.

When I read the Bible, I feel that it is not just the law of religion, but the love story of Jesus who loves me.

Please pray together that I will realize the truth through the words and that I can meet Jesus' love deeply in my heart, and that my life will be transformed into that love.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

Heavenly father God who loves Morocco,

Thank you for letting the sister Salma know Jesus, who grew up in a devout Muslim family but became atheists due to their parents' fighting and domestic violence.

Samla, who has many scars, learned about Jesus' love by reading the words with a Christian friend, and she want to realize the truth and change her life with Jesus' love.

Lord, would you accept sister Salma’s heart, who want to know more about Jesus and allows her to get closer to Jesus every day.

In every moment of her life, shine on sister Salma with the light of Jesus' life so that all darkness flees and is filled only with the truth that knows about Jesus.

Allow her live as a person who testifies the love if Jesus.

Would the light of Jesus be upon the young generation of Morocco, who is struggling in darkness because they do not know the truth

May Jesus, the life of Morocco, receive all glory.



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