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[Today’s Prayer] Vietnamese Christian who held a prayer meeting at home received ‘4 years and 6 months in prison’

A Montagnard (hill tribe) Christian in Vietnam who held prayer meetings in his home was sentenced to four years and six months in prison on charges of 'secession and incitement.'

The American Christian Post (CP) reported the news, saying, “The sentence comes amid ongoing tensions between religious practices and state policies in Vietnam, which have particularly affected the Montanand ethnic minority and their Christian faith.”

Pastor Aga, founder of the Central Highlands Evangelical Church of Christ, said in an interview with Radio Free Asia (RFA), “Nay Y Blang (48), a member of the church, died on the 2nd. “I received this sentence without legal representation (local time below),” he said, adding, “I cannot accept this sentence.”


His conviction was for inciting action against the interests of the state.

In Vietnam, churches that are not recognized by the state are facing accusations that they seek to undermine national unity through religious gatherings.

In particular, the Montanand community to which Blanc belongs is mainly composed of Christians and has been in conflict with the Vietnamese government for a long time.

The Christian Solidarity World (CSW), a British human rights group, argued that the government had deprived Blanc of his right to practice his faith, noting that he had previously been imprisoned and fined on similar charges.


“These recent developments show that the human rights situation in Vietnam continues to worsen.

“We show that this situation is part of widespread persecution targeting religious and ethnic minorities across Vietnam, with greater severity in rural areas.”

For the Scripture says, ‘Whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.’ There is no difference between Jew and Greek. For the Lord is one, Lord of all, and rich to all who call on Him. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Receive (Romans 10:11-13)

A Montanand Christian, an ethnic minority group in Vietnam, was sentenced to four years and six months in prison for holding a prayer meeting at his home.

He was sentenced without legal representation as he was accused of trying to undermine national unity through religious gatherings of churches that were not approved by the state.

Lord, who loves the Vietnamese people, please be with this group of people who are in an unfair situation not only because of the persecution that targets ethnic minorities, but also because they held prayer meetings.

Please allow this to be a time to stand in faith, trusting in the good will of the Lord, rather than being ashamed of the Lord or afraid of the world.

Let this member begin the work of salvation of God, who never discriminates and is rich to all who call on Him, in the land of Vietnam.

Also, please help the churches and Christians in Vietnam strive to worship more, become one in prayer, and pray for the countless suffering Christians in their own people and around the world.


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