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[Field Story] Rise with a Daniel-like spirituality of martyrdom, Myanmar


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Hello. My name is Suzanna and I live in Myanmar.

I am a sister, but I have strong masculine tendencies, so I was embarrassed and hated when my father called me his daughter. I lived my life thinking that I was a man, and I dressed and acted masculine.

Then, two years ago, I went to church to study Korean, realized my sin through the Bible, found my identity, and accepted Jesus as my personal Savior.

When my Buddhist parents and relatives found out that I sincerely believed in Jesus and went to Sunday services, they persecuted me by stopping me from going to church. But when the church teachers gathered and prayed fervently for my sister, who had fallen sick with the palsy, they saw her get up a week later, and my parents stopped persecuting me!

I was convinced that Jesus had healed my sister and thanked the Lord for doing the healing work. Now she wants her parents to be saved as well, and she wants to spend her life doing what pleases Jesus by evangelizing souls who don't know Him! Please pray with me that I will stand as a person who pleases only the Lord!

“He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.” (Daniel 6:27)

Amen! Praise You, Lord, for guiding Sister Susanna's life. Thank you for saving her from her sinfulness and giving her a heart to witness to her family and those who don't know Jesus.

Just as Daniel did not abandon his faith in God in the midst of being thrown into the lions' den, but trusted in You, so we ask that whatever persecution may come in her life, she will rise up in a spirit of martyrdom.

When Daniel was brought out of the lions' den, many people saw the power and greatness of God and came to fear Him. We ask that through Sister Susanna, her family, friends, and all those around her will see that God is alive and well. Let a work of salvation take place in her home and everywhere she is a part of.

May Sister Suzanna rise up as a leader of the Myanmar people and, like Daniel, witness the gospel to the ends of the earth, following the Great Commission without compromising with the world in the last days, and may more young people in Myanmar rise up in missionary revival and go to all nations.



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