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[Today's Prayer] Russia arrests 11 people involved in Moscow concert hall attack... 93 deaths

Tass and Sputnik news agencies reported on the 23rd (local time) that the suspects who committed indiscriminate shooting and arson attacks at a concert hall in Moscow, Russia, were arrested. The death toll from this incident increased to nearly 100.

According to reports, on this day, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) indiscriminately opened fire with an automatic rifle at the Crocus City Hall concert hall in Krasnogorsk, northwest of Moscow, killing over 200 people, including four key suspects. 11 people were arrested.


The incident investigation committee formed by the Russian authorities announced this morning that a total of 93 people have died from terrorism so far, and that the death toll is likely to increase further. Among the dead were at least three children.

Sputnik reported that a Russian intelligence official confirmed that the United States had warned about the risk of a terrorist attack in Moscow 15 days before the terrorist attack, but stated that "there was no detailed information."

“This attack shows that terrorism is a serious threat to Russia,” said Nikolai Petrushev, secretary of the Russian National Security Council, who is considered a close ally of President Putin. “Those responsible for mass murder will not escape punishment.”


It was discovered that the terrorists sprayed flammable liquid after firing guns and set the concert hall building on fire. It was reported that about 40 people died at the beginning of the incident, but the death toll continues to increase as many of the injured are in critical condition.

The Islamic State (IS), an Islamic extremist militant group, claimed to be behind the terror attack. Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K), the Afghan branch of IS, said, "(IS fighters) killed or killed hundreds of people and caused significant destruction to the site before safely withdrawing to their base."

Source: Yonhap News

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

We praise Jesus Christ, the Savior of peace who saved all nations by sacrificing his life.

There is news that 93 people were killed and more than 100 were injured in a terrorist attack in Moscow. Even today, the world is suffering and groaning because of sin.

The Lord hears the pain of His children, helps them in times of trouble, and becomes a rock for them to take refuge in. Please be a great help during the hardships faced by Russia, which is trembling with fear of terrorism.

Lord of peace, at this time filled with wars and rumors of wars, please pour out the peace of Christ on all nations. Please fill the hearts of every soul and every city with the peace that only Jesus can give.

Only the Lord is the living hope and life of all nations. May all nations seek You!

When we call on your name, please grant the peace and life that the world cannot give! Lord, save all nations from death and fear!


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