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[Today’s Prayer] Around 200 Muslims in the Gaza District accept Jesus after meeting him in a dream

Recently, it was reported that about 200 Muslims in the Gaza Strip accepted Christ after seeing Jesus in visions and dreams and sharing this experience.

Taysir Abu Sada (73) said in a recent interview with CBN News, “Around 200 Gaza residents gave their hearts to Jesus at once. The Lord appeared to them through visions and dreams, and they hugged each other and rejoiced. “I realized that everyone was experiencing the same vision,” he explained.

Sada previously served as a sniper for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and an aide to Yasser Arafat, the first head of the Palestinian Authority.

He converted to Christianity after accepting Jesus Christ about 30 years ago and published his autobiography, ‘Once an Arafat Man’. He currently heads the Christian humanitarian charity ‘Seeds of Hope Foundation’.

“I believe that even with all the destruction that is happening, God wants the Palestinians in Gaza to wake up and see an alternative to what they believe in,” Sada said in an interview. He also said, “I believe we will definitely experience a lot of revival and many believers will rise up. This is already happening today,” he added.

Pastor William Devlin, head of the international charity ‘Widows and Orphans’, explained, “Many Christians remain in Gaza to help suffering Muslims.”

“The situation in Gaza is dangerous and dire,” he said in a recent interview with CBN. “There are 1,000 Christians left in the Gaza Strip, where 2.2 million Muslims live, and currently 500 live in the Greek Orthodox Church and 500 in the Roman Catholic Church,” he said.

A frequent visitor to the Gaza Strip, he claimed that local Christians and most Muslims do not support Hamas.

“Hamas is a culture of death, everything has to do with death,” he said. “So we are grateful that Christians are there giving life,” he said. “Many of them were able to leave, but they said, ‘This is the home of our ancestors. We have lived here since ancient times, and we will not leave,’” he said.

Devlin said he hoped the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) would be allowed to deliver relief supplies to Gaza.

“In the midst of their suffering, the Lord Jesus is appearing to the Muslims,” Devlin said. “I pray that God will continue to reveal His Son through dreams and visions so that the entire Gaza Strip will believe in Jesus Christ,” he said. “Please pray that many Muslims will come to believe in Jesus Christ.” “That is their only hope,” he appealed.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.(1 Corinthians 10:13).

Lord, who loves the Muslims of Palestine, thank you for meeting the Muslims of Palestine suffering in the midst of war through dreams and visions.

Although the current situation of war seems unbearable, we believe that God provides a way to escape and accomplishes the work of salvation even there.

Lord, please help countless Muslims who are in war and suffering meet Jesus, who died on the cross for them.

We also believe that God's work will be accomplished in Palestine through God's people who remain in the war-torn Gaza Strip to serve Muslims and spread the gospel with the same heart as the Lord.

In the name of Yeshua, whom they preach, may the power of Islam, which has risen in Palestine, be broken, and may only Yeshua rule Palestine.

May the Lord wash away all their tears and lead them to the eternal kingdom of God where there will be no more death!


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