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[Field Story] Tibet will offer sacrifices of praise and testify the name of Jesus among the nations

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Hello, my name is Jolma and I am Tibetan.

Growing up in an orphanage in a small village in Tibet, I lived with an unspoken sense of loneliness and resentment towards the world deep in my heart.

The place I stayed was an orphanage run by a Christian foundation, so I attended services there every day and learned about the love of Jesus.

However, even after knowing the Lord’s love and becoming a Christian, I could not find a reason for my life. Deep in my heart, I was frustrated by the resentful questions about the reason for my existence.

Then one day, I went with a friend to a large worship gathering with Christians from all over the world.

Through the testimonies of so many people there, I felt like I finally realized the reason for my existence. That is to live for Jesus.

Rather than living a meaningless life abandoned by parents, I was to become a channel of the love of Jesus Christ who saved me.

An indescribable joy welled up inside me. God will spread the love of Jesus Christ through me to a Tibetan village where there are no Christians.

Now, I want to become a person who spreads the love and lives a life of joy as a witness of Jesus Christ. Please pray that my love and faith in the Lord will not change!

For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come. Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. (Hebrews 13:14-15).

We praise the Lord God, who did not leave Sister Jolma like an orphan, but visited her in her life, personally met her, and saved her.

Lord, thank you for allowing Sister Zolma to confess that she will not only be saved by believing in Jesus, but will also become a channel of the gospel to spread His amazing love.

Would You accept Sister Zolma's confession and anoint her with the oil of the Holy Spirit, so that from her lips there will be continuous testimony of the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus.

Let everyone who hears that testimony see the living Jesus, and let the Tibetan people, who are suffering on this earth, rise up with hope only for the heavenly home that the Lord promised them.

As the Tibetan people look forward to the coming kingdom of God, let them be restored as a nation of priests for all nations, offering sacrifices of praise with all their lives and preaching the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ among all tribes and all nations!


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