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[Field Story] The number of Afghan girls suicide attempts rises

As the Taliban took control of Afghanistan two years ago and banned education for women, the number of teenage girls attempting suicides has increased sharply.

A teenage Afghan girl named ‘Ajo’ is lying helpless on the bed.

As her emaciated body is barely breathing, Ajo attempted suicide but survived.

Her parents smuggled Ajo into Pakistan to save her daughter, and she underwent three surgeries.

Ajo was a good dancer and energetic, and her dream was to become a doctor,but she fell into despair when female education was forbidden.

[Ajo's sister: Ajo said she didn't want to stay in Afghanistan because she couldn't get any education. And she said she drank acidic substances. When I put my finger in her mouth, she vomited blood."]

Afghan doctors says there is no hope for Afghanistan, as the number of teenage girls receiving psychiatric treatment due to suicide attempts has increased by more than 50 percent in the past two years.

[Afghan doctor: "We are trying to give hopes to girls that  education will begin again. But cannot see a bright future for anyone in this country."]

Voices are growing as Afghan girls are stopped from advancing into society through education and they should not be driven to a dead end road. 

Source: KBS

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan two years ago, we hear the sad news that the number of teenage girls receiving psychiatric treatment from suicide attempts has risen by more than 50 percent, after banning education of women.

Lord, do not stay silent to Taliban’s evil action of taking away the right to be educated at the age where they should be educated and stopping girls from dreaming. 

We desire peace to be upon in Afghanistan through Jesus Christ only, as the days of revival approaches nearer and greater number of people come to Christ.

Would you allow Afghan nation to wage war against the terrible lies with the gospel, so that they boldly serve and educate that one soul with Jesus who has overcome the world. 

Would you allow the global churches to pray and commission educators, to spread the gospel, so that Afghan women and young generation will know that God equally loves and does his work in divine justice. 

Would you wipe away the tears of Afghanistan young generation girls, and they dream the kingdom of God, so that the day of proclaiming joy and peace to the nations come quick!


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