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[Field Story] Tajikistan, a holy living sacrifice to the Lord

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Hello, my name is Shamil and I live in Tajikistan.

When I was 12, my mother passed away from cancer.

At a young age, my mother's absence meant a lot to me, and I grew up being called a problematic child at school and by my family.

One day, I heard the gospel through a Christian friend, and the gospel stood out to me in a new way. However, I did not open my heart because I felt sorry for my mother who passed away and thought that I could not believe in Jesus.

But strangely, I continued to hear the gospel multiple times through my friends, and eventually I submitted to Jesus, who is the truth, and accepted Him.

My life, which had been so dark that I was labeled as a problematic child, is changing through the Word, and since last summer, I have been trying to quit smoking by taking medicine.

I want to change my words and actions according to the voice of Jesus who told me that I am a new creation. So now I want to offer my life to the Lord as a holy sacrifice.

Please pray for me that God will give me the strength not to return to the old being, and that I can take the next step of becoming a student missionary.

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” (2 Peter 1:4).

Amen! Thank you Lord for encountering and saving brother Shamil, who had been wandering without hope.

Please help Brother Shamil to lay down all the habits of life that he enjoyed in the past and become a new creation participating in the nature of Christ.

May the Lord accept brother Shamil's decision to sacrifice his life to the Lord and become a student missionary, and allow him to fulfill the precious and great promise of the Lord.

Lord, would you help Tajikistan change through brother Shamil, and furthermore, help people from all over the world come to know Jesus through brother Shamil!


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