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[Field Story] Pakistan that walks with Jesus, the eternal life

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Hello. I am Sana living in Pakistan.

I was married and had eight children, but I found out that my husband was having an affair with a neighbor.

As my husband no longer provides finances to the family, I am working as a caregiver while suffering from diabetes.

However, it was not enough to raise eight siblings alone, so the rent fell behind and we had to move to the countryside where there was nothing.

To make matters worse, my second daughter, who had gotten married under the threat of a man who came with a pistol, ran away to her parents' house to avoid her husband, but when he showed up again with a weapon, we had to move to a smaller house to avoid him.

While I was living day after day in despair, anxiety, and poverty, I met Christians.

Although I had heard the gospel before, the confession that 'Jesus is a prophet' always lingered in my head, and I blocked my ears because I knew very well the hardships that would come if I confessed any further than that.

However, as I saw Christian friends who came to me and comforted me in my life where I had nothing to rely on, I began to open my heart little by little.

One day, my children and I were invited to a gathering of Christian youth from around the world, and we went to church for the first time.

When I came to church, I felt so at ease, and as we praised and worshiped Jesus together, great joy came over me.

However, during the meeting, my fourth daughter suddenly suffered a severed stomachache and was taken to the hospital.

I was told that she had hepatitis since she was young, but the doctor told me that the disease seemed to have gotten worse because it was not properly treated.

While I was waiting for the test results to find out the diagnosis of the disease, my friends and I prayed together in the name of Jesus for healing for our fourth daughter.

I am currently reading the Bible on my own because I want to know more about Jesus.

I hope that Jesus will come to me and my family who have no hope and become light and hope.

Also, please pray for me that my fourth daughter will recover quickly through the power of Jesus and that He will open the door to salvation for Pakistan through me and my family!

11 And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. 1 John 5:11-12

We praise the Lord who gave us Jesus Christ and granted us eternal life.

In the midst of a sick body, a broken family, and a hopeless life with nowhere to rely on, the Lord found Sister Sana and guided her to eternal life.

Lord, who never leaves widows and orphans alone, please grant Sister Sana the grace to accept Jesus Christ, the Son of life, as her Savior.

Please meet her deeply through worship and the Word, and let Jesus Christ, Sister Sana’s true husband, be the light and hope for this family.

We lift up the fourth daughter who is sick. Please heal all diseases and cover her with the precious blood of the Lord, who has already healed us through the cross, so that she can recover quickly.

Please help Sister Sana and her children, who are suffering from illness, to recover as soon as possible, and to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and to stand as a church that opens wide the door of salvation for Pakistan.


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