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[Field Story] Only the Word of God will increase in Uzbekistan

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

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Hi, My name is Yulduz and I am from Uzbekistan.

A month ago, I accepted Jesus into my heart by myself, and out of the desire to know Him more, I have been secretly attending worship services without telling my family.

Meanwhile, I came to attend a worship service where a lot of Christians gathered. The friends there welcomed me with such joy even though they've never met me before.

All of the people there associated with each other as if they were a family when they were seeing each other for the first time, and this came to me as a surprise.

In the service, they were praying for each other in tears, and confessed about their weaknesses so honestly. I realized that this was truly the heavenly family.

When I returned home after the gathering, my relatives found out that I was a believer and started threatening me.

However, I was greatly encouraged because I knew that I had a heavenly family, the church, who prays for me and my family. I will not let my hearts down because of these threats, but share about Jesus all the more.

I desire that my family and my neighbors will come to know Jesus and be part of the heavenly family.

Please pray that they will come to encounter Jesus soon, and they I would share the gospel without growing weary.

And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith (Acts 6:7)

Amen. Lord, thank you for allowing Sister Yulduz the joy of knowing you and letting her keep her faith.

Not only that, you have let her taste the joy of having coworkers who are like a heavenly familiy. As the church and coworkers come before you in prayer, we believe that Sister Yulduz will be provided with the strength to be victorious in any situation.

Lord, you have said that the faith is the assurance of the things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen. Lord, strengthen her faith that she will not be shaken even in the midst of all the threats, and pour out your Holy Spirit so that she could proclaim your word boldly.

May the gospel of life flow to Sister Yulduz's neighbors and family, and use Sister Yulduz for the gospel to be deeply rooted in their hearts. Through her proclamation, may countless Uzbeks come to realize your providence and return to you.

May your word increase all the more among the Uzbeks, and may your heavenly family, the church, be established strongly in Uzbekistan so that they may rise up as a people that declare your word boldly.


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