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[Field Story] Jordan, following Jesus until the end as his disciple


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Hello. My name is Ayla and I live in Jordan.

Although I am a Muslim, I was born into a liberal family and have left my family to work and live alone.

Recently, on the bus to my way home, I met some Korean people.

Those Koreans lived in a very close neighborhood to me, and ever since then, we met frequently and became friends.

While hanging out with the Korean friends, I also heard about Jesus.

Actually, I've heard of Jesus before.

A few years ago, another Korean friend told me about Jesus, and we used to sing praises together.

However, as a Muslim, I am very afraid to accept Jesus as my Lord because I think I will die if I believe in Him.

I know that Jesus is truly good and continues to guide me by sending me Korean friends.

But I am so afraid. Please pray that I can overcome this fear and meet God, who is the truth.

31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” 32 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house. 33 At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his household were baptized. 34 The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God—he and his whole household. (Acts 16:31-34).

Jesus, who is the resurrection and the life, thank you for continuing to share the gospel to Sister Ayla.

We ask that you would all the more pour out upon Sister Ayla the love of the cross of Jesus, so that the fear that gets in the way of Sister Ayla accepting Jesus, may be casted out!

May all the darkness and thoughts that prevent her from believing the gospel and make her fearful due to her thoughts and circumstances, be driven out and hold her firm in Your love.

May she not be one of those who turn away because they do not believe in Jesus and the resurrection, but help her to become more curious about Jesus, believe in the truth, and be free from all fears and lies.

Please grant Sister Ayla co-workers who will keep the faith together in Jordan, and help her to stand with a firm faith that does not give up on Jesus in any situation.

Furthermore, like Apostle Paul, help Sister Ayla to become a disciple of the Lord who can boldly spread the name of Jesus to Jordan, the Arab world, and all nations!



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