[Field News] Myanmar, keeping the faith in the last days and preparing the way for the Lord

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Hello, I am Jumeu who lives in Myanmar.
I am a Burmese in Myanmar. My personality is very quiet and timid, so I lived a lonely life throughout my school days.
I came to know Jesus through Bible study after being invited to a Christmas party at church.
My prayer topic was to become someone who wins the hearts of my friends when I started a new school year, and when I actually started a new school year, my homeroom teacher appointed me as the class president, so I decided to believe in Jesus who listens to my prayers. And through the word, I was given wisdom, so I was able to devote myself more to my studies and scored highest in my class.
Myanmar is a country with a strong Buddhist history and idolatry. Every morning, after 10 minutes of idol worship, class begins. I decided before God not to bow down to idols, and my friends were curious about me not bowing down.
I had a hard time at school when I was caught by a teacher while preaching the gospel to my friends, and I confess that no hardship can destroy my faith! And I continue to boldly preach the gospel to my friends!
I don’t need any other gods because I believe in Jesus! Jesus changed my life, and now I want to share His love with my friends.
Please pray with me so that I can love only Jesus, who changed my life, and share His love, no matter what happens!
But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you. (Psalm 39:7)
Lord Jesus, may you be the only true hope to Jumeu!
Even in the midst of persecution and tribulation, please pour out the spirituality of Daniel and his three friends on Jumeu, so that he will not be obedient to anything of the world other than Jesus!
The gospel is power. The cross is power.
May Jumeu become a messenger of the cross and spread the gospel that saved him.
May he only look to Lord Jesus and rise up, being set apart from the world!
Help Jumeu to keep the faith!
May countless youths of faith like Jumeu arise in Myanmar, a generation of youths who deny themselves, carry their crosses, and follow Jesus, as disciples of Jesus Christ!