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[2024 Ramadan Day 27] Night of Power

Ramadan is one of the five duties of Islam. Islam believes that after death, one stands before the judgment seat of Allah and weighs all the good deeds and sins of one's lifetime on the scales of Allah. If one has many good deeds, one will go to heaven, and if one commits many sins, one will go to hell. Ramadan is considered the most important of the five duties because it is a period of 30 days where one can wash away one's sins by fasting and praying.

The 27th day of Ramadan is called ‘Night of Power’. This day is the day when Muhammad, the founder of Islam, received the revelation of the first verse of the Quran. In the Quran, the holy book of Islam, it says, “The night of power is better than thousands of months,” and on the night of power, people are taught to stay up all night to pray for blessings and forgiveness.

Therefore, Muslims believe that if they pray all night long on the Night of Power, they can receive blessings and rewards for more than 83 years, and all the sins they have committed throughout their lives are forgiven. Like this, the existence of the ‘Night of Power’, where all the sins one has committed can be forgiven through just one day of prayer, is absolute for Muslims. Even those who normally pray at home come out to the mosque on this day to ask for forgiveness all night long and lift up their personal prayer requests.

This year’s Night of Power takes place on April 5th. During Ramadan, a time of deep spiritual darkness throughout the year, this is the day when the most powerful spiritual forces are formed. Two billion Muslims around the world, deceived by the lies of Islam that deceive them into thinking they have the power of salvation, will earnestly pray for forgiveness of the sins they have committed throughout their lives on the coming Night of Power.

8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. Romans 5:8-9

However, only the blood of Jesus shed on the cross and His grace can save those who are wandering today because they do not know the truth. Our Lord is calling two billion Muslims to the name of Jesus Christ and the grace of salvation who has already redeemed all nations from their sins. And He has not ceased His faithful work of salvation, and is turning countless souls to Him even during this Ramadan.

Recently in Palestine, five Muslims accepted Jesus, and one of them said, “I admit that I am a sinner. Now I want to be born again as a new person and do something that spreads peace and love. “I pray that this land will be filled with true peace through Jesus.” I came before the Lord with confession and repentance. And in Turkiye, just last week, three members were baptized, and the Holy Spirit touched their hearts, which were full of wounds, and changed their confessions. “Before, I was only filled with resentment toward God. But now I have nothing but gratitude to God for saving me. “Now I will live as a disciple following the path of Jesus.”

I am the Lord, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another,
Nor My praise to carved images. let the wilderness and its cities lift up their voice..
The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man;
He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war.
He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud;
He shall prevail against His enemies.
Isaiah 42:8,11,13

Amen! We believe that in the coming night of power, our Lord jehovah will destroy all of the Lord's enemies and bring repentance to salvation that will turn the hearts of 2 billion Muslims to Jesus Christ! We will surely see the day of victory when 2 billion Muslims will open their mouths and glorify the Lord by shouting,

“This is our God; we will rejoice and rejoice in His salvation (Isaiah 25:9)!”


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