[2024 Ramadan Day 23] Iraq will rise with the gospel and become a blessing to all nations

In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and Assyria will come into Egypt, and Egypt into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be the third with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the Lord of hosts has blessed, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.” (Isaiah 19:23-25)
The religion ratio in Iraq is approximately 95% Islam, 1.44% Christianity, and 3% other religions. Before 2003, 4% of the total population was Christian, but due to persecution in 2003 (Iraq War) and 2014 (IS counterattack), many Christians emigrated to other countries, and now only 1.44% remain, of which 0.28% are evangelical Christians. Additionally, within Islam, Shiites and Sunnis exist in a ratio of 6:4, and these two sects have been in constant sectarian conflict throughout the past 1,400 years of Islamic history to the present.
However, during Ramadan, regardless of sect, everyone fasts and performs religious rituals in the Islamic manner. Additionally, even Muslims who are not religious usually fast during Ramadan, considering it a holy month.
Due to 1,400 years of Islamic rule, the people of this land are oppressed without knowing true peace and truth. The people of this land are becoming exhausted due to the continuous conflict over a long period of time.
Even now, in areas where churches are gathered, there are the Syrian Orthodox Church, the Chaldean Church, and the Evangelical Church. But unfortunately, most churches are not very interested in spreading the gospel or God's vision. Iraq needs one disciple of Jesus Christ who will become a model for the Iraqi church and lead the Iraqi church toward God's vision.
Iraq is the land where the Tower of Babel was built in defiance of God during the Old Testament, but God gave a promise to Assyria (Iraq) as written in Isaiah 19. The Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians, and Israel, along with Egypt and Assyria, will be a blessing in the land of Seth, and God will bless Assyria, the handiwork of God!
Hallelujah! God's word is being fulfilled. God is giving great grace to this land. In City D, located in northern Iraq, there was a great blessing recently where locals met Jesus through a medical ministry team. Sister D, who visited complaining of stomach pain, began to shed tears while being prayed for by the ministry team, and when the gospel was preached, at the point when she accepted the gospel, she said, “My painful area is healed!” He said, and it led to Bible study.
Also, Sister S fell asleep while receiving a facial massage from the ministry team. She woke up and said, “I ascended to heaven and the gates of heaven were opened. As I entered, a person dressed in white stood with a great light and spoke to me. ‘I put out my hand,’ he said. Explaining that he was Jesus, he preached the gospel and accepted Jesus! News of salvation is heard everywhere. Now is the time of grace and salvation.
Iraq has many ethnic groups.
In northern Iraq, there is a large Kurdish autonomous region, and there are also 36 other ethnic groups, 27 of which are unreached. When Iraq rises, all the peoples of Iraq will rise together. Those who have not bowed their knees to Baal, whom God left on this earth, will rise up in countless numbers and stand as the Lord's disciples and churches and run toward the ends of the earth.
[Today’s prayer]
1. During the month of Ramadan, please meet those who thirst for God and seek Him, and pray that many people will arise who accept Jesus, the true truth, and that disciples of Jesus Christ will arise who will serve as models for the Iraqi church and endure the last days.
2. To renew and embolden local churches that have been shrinking due to the persecution and persecution that the church suffered in the past, so that they can rise up with the gospel and advance toward the ends of the earth.
3. May the Kingdom of God come to Iraq, remove all darkness and lies, save the people, and make Iraq a country that welcomes our Lord.
4. In Korea, there is a review of countries subject to travel ban every six months. The travel ban on Iraq will be changed as soon as possible so that Korean churches can also serve Iraq. Additionally, the visa law of the Kurdish Autonomous Region located in northern Iraq will be changed in 2023 to stop granting visas to third countries. Previously, many global teams came and served in this region, but now it has become difficult to get in. Pray that this law will also change quickly so that all nations can come to this earth and make disciples of Jesus Christ together.