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[2024 Ramadan Day 18] The key to the revival of all nations in Maghreb and Africa! The torch of the gospel! Tunisia


“The least one shall become a clan, and the smallest one a mighty nation; I am the Lord; in its time I will hasten it.” (Isaiah 60:22).

Tunisia, which means “key” in Berber, is located at the end of the Maghreb region in the northeastern part of the African continent, and is a strategic point with Europe to the north and Asia Minor and Arabia to the east, across the Mediterranean Sea. Its area is three-quarters of the size of the Korean Peninsula, and its capital is Tunis.

In Tunisia, 99% of the population of approximately 12 million are Sunni Muslims, or ‘Arabs’, with a small number of Berbers, Europeans, and Jews living together. In the 3rd century, the gospel was spread through Egyptian merchants, and it was a land sprinkled with the blood of martyrs who did not deny Jesus despite strong persecution by the Romans. Around the 5th century, there was a history of revival where 70% of the population believed in Jesus.

Although it appears to be filled with the strong walls of Islam and the sighs of young people whose only hope in life is to leave this land, God sees the poor hearts of the Tunisian people and the thirst of those who are longing for change and seeking the truth. You are doing work. The fruits of the sacrifices and tearful prayers of the martyrs on this land in the past will surely bear fruit, and the Lord remembers the dedication of countless people who sowed the seeds of the gospel and prayed for the restoration of Tunisia.

Tunisia is small and weak, but when they move forward, seeking only the name of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, Jehovah God will give the final revival to this land and quickly accomplish his work. Through Tunisia, African youth will rise up and make the last army to Jerusalem. and the closed doors of the gospel in Algeria and Libya will be wide open. The year 2024 will be when churches of the Lord will be established in all 24 provinces of Tunisia and rumors of Jesus will spread in each city.

This Ramadan, even though they are Muslims on the outside, they have already left Islam, have no interest in it, and live in cafes with half-open doors throughout Ramadan with empty hearts, immersed in cigarette smoke and media addiction. We pray that more worship and prayer ministries will be released and proclaimed.

Come to me too, all you who are weary and burdened. We pray that the 24th year of Ramadan will be the foundation of Ramadan, when thirsty Tunisian souls come to the loving invitation of the Lord who said, “I will give you rest,” and receive the gift of hope instead of despair and peace instead of fear.

[Today’s prayer]

1. During Ramadan, when Tunisian ministers come together to pray and worship together and spread the gospel, they meet countless families and young people who are poor in spirit and long for the truth, and do so through the manifestation and power of the Holy Spirit, not through the wisdom of persuasive words. (1 Corinthians 2:4)

2. To establish the Lord's church in all 24 states of Tunisia, especially during Ramadan, through dreams and visions, through the Internet and gospel broadcasts, through the spreading of the Bible, and through the steps of evangelists, the gospel is widely testified and countless people are spread. So that the history of conversion takes place

3. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. So that the Lord, the Lord of the harvest, to send many ministers to this land, and that the Tunisian ministry team will be well-prepared as a vessel to contain the final revival of this land, and that a large and strong net will be used to save souls together.



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