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[2024 Ramadan Day 15] The last elite force of the gospel to destroy Babylon, Iran / Turkiye Persian Refugees



Iran's official name is the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the past, Iran was an area along the Silk Road due to its geographical location and served as a bridge for cultural exchange between East and West. Iranian people, whose name means ‘noble,’ are generally gentle and prefer discussing and conversing in groups. However, the fundamental tendency of the people is to be hot-tempered and impatient, and they also have the righteousness to fight with their lives for what they believe to be the truth.

After the success of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the government maintained a strong Islamic state system governed by religious law and instilled extreme anti-Americanism and anti-Israel sentiments in the entire generation. However, religious figures in power have lost the trust of the people due to their corruption and contradictory religious practices, and are abandoning Islam and seeking comfort in the world. The number of people leaving the country is increasing due to the collusion and incompetence of the government, which only acts as a puppet of religious power.

Following the recent death of Mahser Amini, who was detained for wearing her hijab loosely and eventually died, hijab protests erupted in more than 50 cities, and numerous civilians were killed and detained by the government. Seeing these realities, Iranian souls who exploded with dissatisfaction with the Islamic government dispersed further to other countries, including Turkiye, and became refugees.

Those who have become weary and brokenhearted by Islam rarely observe Ramadan or fast only perfunctorily. The social atmosphere that threatens to explode as soon as someone lights a fuse is further aggravating government surveillance and religious oppression. The people's priority is to somehow solve economic problems, and they are already denying the existence of God due to the influence of materialism, secularism, and mysticism that are prevalent among the younger generation. The number of people who take an atheistic stance and openly express that there is no God due to their anger and antipathy toward religious power is rapidly increasing.

Currently, Iran has been the number one nation of revival in the world for over 20 years. Although they are a people persecuted under religious power, God chose Iran as the people experiencing the greatest revival, with many encountering Jesus through dreams and visions. During this Ramadan period, through the prayers of the global church, let the Iranian people overcome hardships and persecution and become a nation that experiences further revival!

<Turkiye Persian Refugees>

And I will bring upon Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven. And I will scatter them to all those winds, and there shall be no nation to which those driven out of Elam shall not come.  (Jeremiah 49:36)

Refugees - people who have fled to another country to escape persecution, war, terrorism, extreme poverty, famine, or natural disaster.

Persian refugees? Refugees scattered from Afghanistan and Iran

The ‘Persian people’ are the peoples of Elam, Persia and  Media that appear in the Bible. They are the people of King Cyrus, who was used to fulfill God’s covenant to liberate Israel from Babylonian captivity, and the Magi who went to worship when Jesus was born. They are the descendants of the early church who gathered in Jerusalem and heard the gospel when the Holy Spirit descended. In the Old Testament era, King Cyrus was the only anointed king among the Gentiles, and the Persian people were the only people among the Gentiles who were specially chosen by God to come to worship baby Jesus at the time of Jesus' birth.

The two people groups, Afghanistan and Iran experienced the world's greatest revival despite the collapse of their countries by the Taliban rule and the Islamic revolution, respectively, and are now scattered around the world as refugees following the words of prophecy. Among them, Turkiye has the largest number of refugees. They are undergoing much suffering from harsh views and discrimination against refugees, refugee policies that change depending on the political situation, and the difficult economic situation of Turkiye. However, their scattering was already predicted in the Bible, and the Lord is fulfilling the words of prophecy.

For behold, I am stirring up and bringing against Babylon a gathering of great nations, from the north country. And they shall array themselves against her. From there she shall be taken. Their arrows are like a skilled warrior who does not return empty-handed.(Jer 50:9)

Every term, missionary training is conducted for Persian refugees in each city of Turkiye. They must obtain permission from the government to move between cities, and if they are caught moving between cities without permission, they run the risk of being deported. The supervision is becoming more severe, but the Persian young generation are not giving in to this situation and travelling to the cities of Turkiye to spread the gospel. As they are testifying, an evangelism movement is beginning among them. Furthermore, the Persian young generation is rising up in this land with the heart of God and deciding to become young generation missionaries for Turkiye and the nations!

Brother S, an Iranian who recently accepted Jesus, participated in a short-term mission trip to spread the gospel to the people of Turkiye as soon as he accepted Jesus. During his acceptance prayer, the brother confessed, “God, just as I believe in Jesus today and immediately testify the gospel to the Turkiye people, please help the Turkiye people who meet us to believe in you and immediately spread the gospel to others.”

Brother M, who was sent as a young generation missionary to Afghanistan for a year to serve the Turkiye people, was caught during his ministry and imprisoned due to his status as an illegal immigrant. However, he preached the gospel there and started a weekly worship meeting in prison. On Christmas Day, 15 members gathered, where he witnessed Muslim brothers who attended the worship meeting accept Jesus. Even in the most hopeless situations of prison and deportation for refugees, they say, “We are here because God gave us a mission, and once the mission is over, we will be free. Staying here and going out are all in the hands of the Lord,” he confessed, greatly challenging the faith of many Christians in Türkiye.

Hallelujah! God is now accomplishing His word of scattering Iran, the people of the greatest revival, among the nations and bringing them to His throne through the Persian refugees, especially the young generation. The final military (FM), which will destroy the kings and dignitaries of this land and prepare the way for the coming of the Lord in the last days, is rising in Terpenan. We will no longer be refugees abandoned by the world, but we will surely rise up as holy missionaries who will defeat and destroy Babylon in the end times!

[Today’s Prayer]

1. The situation of refugees is becoming increasingly difficult, and the thirst for the truth of those who are tired of Islam is growing. Even during Ramadan, most people do not fast or observe it only perfunctorily, and are full of fear and anxiety. Please help them meet Jesus, who is the truth! Please set them free with the truth and let them rise up as disciples who overcome the world with faith!

2. God sent more than 3 million Persian refugees to Turkiye. Let the revival of Iran and Afghanistan, the first and second greatest reviving nations in the world, now become the revival of all 2 billion Muslims! Let the young generation of all nations rise up as the final military FM that will destroy false kings and high officials and prepare the way of the Lord's return!


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