[Today's Prayer] U.S. megachurch pastor says Hamas is using residents as 'tools of war'
The pastor of a megachurch in the United States has strongly condemned the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas for using Palestinians as "tools of war" against Israel.
The pastor shared how Christians “pray for the salvation of the Jews” and “we also pray for the Palestinians who have been caught up in the hijacking” of their lives by Hamas. “This is a very, very tender and sad situation,” said Hibbs. “Hamas is responsible for what’s going on in Israel right now. You need to remember that in all that’s taking place.”
“Tragically, our national leaders have forgotten that, our university campuses willfully neglect this. Hamas is pimping Palestinians to achieve its goal.” Hibbs added that “just as it has historically always hidden behind women and children, daycare centers, and hospitals to do what it does, so it’s using Palestinian people today.”
“And our heart goes out to them. May God bring salvation and hope and peace to the Palestinian people who want nothing to do with this terrorist activity,” he said. “Tragically, they are being used as pawns and implements of war.”
Hibbs clarified that “I am not saying that Israel is flawless,” adding that “God never said that” either, while also noting that Scripture “is full of expressions of God’s affection for Israel.”
Hibbs stressed the importance of the nation of Israel not only in the Bible, but also in the modern day, saying that Hamas and Hezbollah are “poking God in the eye” when they attack Israel.
“Bible prophecy and the prophetic scriptures are centralized … on one single nation on Earth as being the epicenter, the main stage of God’s End Time final acts,” Hibbs continued. “The Bible, from cover to cover, speaks about Israel and Jerusalem as the centrality when it comes to a nation or a politic. That should get your attention.”
Hibbs also warned that “you better be careful how you treat the Jews and the nation of Israel,” given the many people throughout history who have tried and failed to destroy them. He also cited multiple passages from the Bible, including Psalm 121:3-4, which show God’s promise to protect the nation of Israel and allow the Jews to endure, even in exile and diaspora.
On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas, which has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, launched several attacks on Israel, killing at least 1,200 people, mostly civilians, including 31 Americans, and taking about 240 hostages.
Israel launched a military offensive in Gaza in response, with the aim of eradicating Hamas and freeing the hostages. The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry has claimed that over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed since the war began, although they do not distinguish between armed and unarmed individuals and the death toll is believed to be inaccurate.
Source: Christian Post
For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. (Eph 2:14-16)
Heavenly Father, who loves Israel and Palestine, how our Lord's heart breaks as He sees so many people dying in this war.
Israelis and Palestinians are all children of our Heavenly Father.
We declare that Jesus has united Israel and Palestine, who have been at odds and fighting for so many years, with the cross, and has destroyed the enmity between them.
We pray that all wars between these two nations will now cease, and that instead of killing each other, they will come together as one and worship Yeshua, the only Savior.
May Yeshua, the Savior of Israel, the Savior of Palestine, and the Savior of all nations, alone receive the praise of all nations!