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Daniel 12:3

[Today’s Prayer] Six Christians arrested during prayer meeting in Laos

The Voice of the Martyrs Korea (VOM Korea) reported that on June 22, a pastor and five church members from Tahae Village, Sai Bua Thong County, Khammouan Province, central Laos, were arrested while holding a prayer meeting at the pastor's residence.

Hyun Sook Foley, representative of VOM Korea, said, “While Pastor Mum and five believers from Tahae Village were holding a Saturday prayer service at the pastor’s residence, the village’s new chief Mr. Lang and several local officials came and prayed. “We confirmed with local co-workers that they were arrested,” he said.

VOM Korea is working with local Christians in Laos and personally delivering Bibles and hymns only to church leaders who request them. Hyunsook Foley, CEO of Laos, analyzes that although the Christian population in Laos is rapidly increasing, persecution by authorities who are concerned about the increase in the Christian population and are oppressing leaders of growing churches is also rapidly increasing.

“In 1994, there were 400 Christians in Laos, in 2020 there were over 250,000, and today there are expected to be over 400,000,” she said. “Christians are increasing, mostly in tribal areas, and some leaders in those areas “They are stricter than other leaders,” he explains.

Representative Hyunsuk Foley said, “Most of the tribe people are animists. They also worship their ancestors, such as their parents who have passed away. When a family in a village becomes a Christian, the residents claim that 'the spirits of the area become angry and bring disasters such as diseases on the village,' and therefore, 'to solve such problems, they believe the Christian family must give up their faith or leave the village’ he said.

Representative Hyunsuk Foley believes that in the case of the recent arrests in Tahae Village, the repression was triggered by a change in the village leader.

Although Laos' constitution guarantees religious freedom to its citizens and the government has signed most UN statements on human rights and religious freedom, these cases of Christian detention are not unusual.

Representative Hyunsuk Foley said, “Another small rural church in Laos has suffered violent attacks by neighbors over the past 12 months. During the morning service, villagers and relatives of the believers came and destroyed the church. “It is difficult to reveal further details due to safety concerns of the congregation,” he added.

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. (Acts 17:24-27)

Praise Abba Father, who speaks to us and answers us.

From the beginning of time, God chose to love us and put us on this earth.

We desire for all nations to discover God's beautiful and glorious plans and dreams for them.

We desire to praise God for his handiwork.

There is great news of revival in Laos, but there is also news of persecution.

We hear that a pastor and his congregation have been arrested in a local prayer meeting.

God, we ask that you meet them and give them courage and comfort. May more Christians be built up through their lives and confessions as the Holy Spirit leads them.

Please keep the worship and prayer going in Laos.

So let the idols made with human hands in this place fall powerless before your power.

So let your people return to your presence and let them seek you, and allow them to discover your breath hidden in every part of their lives.

Together, the Christians of Laos and your people of all nations will praise you.

Lord, be glorified according to your will!


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