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[Today’s Prayer] More than 200 Rohingya refugees die in Myanmar... Presumed attack by rebel group

Myanmar is experiencing a civil war, with more than 200 refugees from the Rohingya Muslim minority were killed in a drone strike launched by an armed group.

The Associated Press and Reuters reported on the 11th (local time) that Rohingya residents in the Maungdaw region of Rakhine State, western Myanmar, fell victim to drone bombing and artillery shelling while crossing the Naf River to flee to neighboring Bangladesh last week.

According to one survivor, on the evening of the 5th, four drones flew toward about 1,000 residents waiting for a boat to cross the river near the Naf River and dropped three bombs, followed by more than 20 artillery bombardments.

In the process, about 150 people died and dozens were injured. The next day, the 6th, fighting broke out between Myanmar government forces and the Arakan Army (AA), an ethnic armed group, and at least 200 people were reported to have died. Reuters reported that more than 20 people were killed in the attack.

Casualties also included children. One of the survivors, Muhammad Eleyas, said he was lying down to avoid the attack but woke up to find his relatives dead, as well as his pregnant wife and two-year-old daughter from serious injuries. In a statement,

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) cited the injured Rohingya who had crossed into Bangladesh and said, “People trying to cross the Naf River were bombed and hundreds of bodies were left strewn along the river.”

After the drone attack, a video showing a road near the Naf River littered with dozens of corpses of adults and children spread through social media.

AA refuted through Telegram that the attack on the Rohingya had nothing to do with them.

However, the survivors point to AA as the mastermind behind the attack, saying that the drone flew from the southern direction of Maungdo, where AA's camp is located, and that the airstrike method was similar to what AA has used against Maungdo village in the past.

AA is known to be hostile to the Rohingya. In May, AA was suspected of driving out Rohingya villagers and setting fire to their homes while occupying Butidaung, a major city in Rakhine State. In June, all residents of Maungdaw, where about 70,000 Rohingya live, were notified to leave.

In June, the government told all residents of Maungdaw, home to about 70,000 Rohingya, to leave.

Source: News

Show me the wonders of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes. (Psalm 17:7)

As Myanmar's civil war rages on, we hear the tragic news that more than 200 Rohingya refugees, a Muslim minority, have been killed in a drone strike by militants.

Lord, have mercy on the Rohingya people who are facing dire circumstances, including the deaths of entire families, including children, in an airstrike while waiting for a boat to cross the Naf River to flee to neighboring Bangladesh.

Give refuge to the hearts of the remnant and the opportunity to hear the gospel, so that Jesus' love, which leads to truth in the midst of all this, may heal the Rohingya.

Give the Rohingya people who have been forced to flee their homes and seek asylum in Bangladesh a community that will help them and teach them your saving love.

We entrust the civil war in Myanmar to you, Lord. Bring a swift end to the fighting between Myanmar government forces and the ethnic armed group Arakan Army, so that the Rohingya can return to their homes, and fill Myanmar with the love of Jesus that overshadows ethnic conflict.

And let Myanmar break every shackle of darkness and be filled with the salvation and joy of the Lord Jesus Christ, so that it may arise as a nation to serve all peoples and nations!


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