[Today's Prayer] Iranians Tired of 45 Years of Islamic Rule, Christian Conversions on the Rise

Conversions among those seeking a better life in Iran are on the rise.
CBN News in the US reported, “Iranians are growing tired of a country that is being led by the empty promises of the Ayatollah and the Islamic theocracy. According to an anonymous internal poll, 80% of Iranians prefer a democratic government, and many are leaving Islam.”
Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) in the US said of Iran, “It has the highest drug addiction rate in the world, corruption is rampant, and more than half of the population lives below poverty.”
He said, “The Iranian people are saying, ‘If this is what Islam has given us for the past 45 years, we don’t care. We want to know what other options are available.’”
According to Nettleton, the faith of choice for many in Islam is Jesus, and at least 1 million Muslims have converted from Islam to Christianity. In addition, 50,000 of the country’s 75,000 mosques have closed.
“This is not pleasing to the regime,” he said. “And in fact, in many ways, they attempt to consolidate power and crush any kind of opposition. We have heard stories this year of Bible study groups and house churches being raided. Everyone there is photographed and interrogated. The leaders of those groups are being seized and arrested. They are being detained and imprisoned.”
Nettleton said his family and friends have been more lenient than the government when it comes to leaving Islam.
“I think what’s happening there is really representative of what’s happening in the Muslim world,” said Don Shenk, executive director of The Tide Ministry. Muslims are experiencing dreams and visions, and many are finding purpose in life and gaining a new understanding of God,” he said.
He added, “I’ve had listeners say, ‘Now I know God loves me. (Before) I always thought God wanted to punish me.’ And I think there’s an awakening not just in Iran but throughout the Muslim world.”
He continued, “It’s more than just being alienated or abandoned by your family. It’s actually a threat of death. So embracing new life in Christ means embracing the possibility that your life will end in this world.”
Christianity is also spreading in Yemen. According to the Joshua Project, the growth rate of Christianity in Yemen is nearly twice the global average.
He added, “This is a movement of God’s Spirit that can ultimately change not just Iran but the entire Middle East.”
Source: Christian Today
May he be enthroned in God’s presence forever; appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him. Then I will ever sing in praise of your name and fulfill my vows day after day. (Psalm 61:7-8)
Amen. God, thank you for giving the new revival in Iran.
The false truth of Islam is collapsing and numerous mosques are closing. We see that double the grace and revival are constantly occurring in Iran.
Countless groups are leaving the false truth that deceived their lives and following Jesus Christ. We believe that this wave of revival that the world cannot handle will flow beyond Iran, beyond Yemen, and to all Arab countries!
The Lord is worthy of the praise and glory of all nations. Please let us quickly see the day when all nations praise you!
Iran! May you rise up as a holy nation and kindle the fire of revival throughout the land! Overcomes the world with faith, not fearing persecution and receive the crown of victory!