[Today's Prayer] Iran warns that if the West reimposes sanctions on Iran, the ban on nuclear weapons will be lifted

Iranian Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araghchi warned that if the West continues to threaten to reimpose all UN sanctions on Iran, Iran's ban on nuclear weapons could be lifted, The Guardian reported on the 28th.
Agrachi said that Iran already has the ability and knowledge to build nuclear weapons, but that nuclear weapons are not included in Iran's security strategy.
He also added that Iran is prepared to continue supplying weapons to the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.
The warning from Araghchi, who was appointed as foreign minister by reformist President Masoud Pezekian, who promised to improve Iran's economy by improving relations with the West, is likely to raise concerns in the West.
Minister Araghchi had reacted last week to a resolution adopted by the UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) board of governors condemning Iran for being uncooperative with IAEA inspectors and for stockpiling uranium that is not intended for peaceful civilian purposes, saying he believed European countries (mainly Britain, Germany and France) were preparing for a conflict. (Omitted)
Aragchi emphasized that after the adoption of the IAEA condemnation resolution, Iran began operating advanced facilities for uranium enrichment, and that this was the result of their (European) pressure on Iran.
Source: Newsis
He shall judge between many peoples, and shall decide disputes for strong nations far away; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. (Micah 4:3)
After the adoption of the UN International Atomic Energy Agency Council resolution condemning Iran, we hear news that Iran warned that if UN sanctions are reimposed, it will restart its uranium enrichment facility for making nuclear weapons and supply weapons to Hezbollah.
This warning has been in effect from 2006-2016 for 10 years, and it seems like Iran is struggling not to repeat the past, when Iran's economy rapidly declined and unemployment dropped significantly due to economic sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council.
However, what Iran needs more than anything is not the lifting of economic sanctions by making a mess of nuclear weapons and weapons supplies, but the rule of God's kingdom through Jesus who gave his life for Iran. May the Iranian souls realize this.
May Iranian Christians proclaim the gospel more so that the gospel of Jesus who shed his blood on the cross to give true peace to Iran can come with power.
Let Iranian souls witness the eternal rule of God upon the Iranian church that the Lord has given revival.
May they realize that the weapons they used to protect themselves are useless and that the time they spent practicing war was in vain, and may they rise up as those who take up the plow and the sickle and reap the harvest, following the Lord's words that it is the time of harvest.
Last army of Persia, march forward to the ends of the earth carrying the flag of victory and fulfill the mission of the Lord!