[Today’s Prayer] British High Court “Justifies the dismissal of a teacher who called a transgender female student a ‘girl’”

Britain's High Court ruled on July 25 to uphold a suspension order against a Christian teacher who was fired for refusing to use the pronoun 'boy' for a transgender female student.
Joshua Sutcliffe (34), who was working as a maths teacher at Oxford's Cherwell School, said "Well done, girls" to his students, including one girl who identified as a boy, in 2017, and was fired.
Sutcliffe also took legal action against the school and settled out of court, but was banned by the Education Regulatory Authority (TRA) for at least two years. The suspension, enacted in May 2013, targets those who have ‘brought disrepute to the profession’.
Britain's Conservative government has published draft transgender guidelines for schools for 2023. The guidelines emphasize that teachers should not be forced to act against their conscience by using “preferred pronouns” that conflict with their biological gender.
The judge referred to the guidelines but said, “Sutcliffe’s conscience, based on his Christian faith, does not justify calling a girl who identified herself as a boy ‘she.’”
In response, the British Christian Concern, which is representing him, issued a statement criticizing the ban, saying, “The ban is an unfair interference with his freedom of expression and religion.” Additionally, “TRA’s investigation results are ‘distorted’ and lack substantive evidence. “The court upheld the ban based on unacceptable findings of professional conduct,” the court argued.
After the appeal court decision was handed down, Sutcliffe expressed his intention to continue his legal fight, arguing that the ruling threatened the freedom of teachers to express their beliefs with impunity.
Sutcliffe, who is public about his Christian beliefs, including his opposition to Islam, homosexuality, pornography and abortion, said: “I have been stigmatized since I tried to express my Christian beliefs in schools. This ruling will force all teachers to share their beliefs and views in the classroom. “If you do that, you are in danger,” he said.
He said, “I believe that affirming transgender identity to children in the classroom is psychologically harmful. “I also refuse to apologize for refusing to act against my conscience.”
Source: Christian Today
So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man (Acts 24:16)
Lord, we hear that a teacher in the United Kingdom has been disbarred for using the pronoun "girl" to a female student with a boy's gender identity in school. We see that in the end times, ideas and sins that Your Word deems illegal are becoming more prevalent.
God who is our light, in these confusing times, shine your Word upon all the forces and ideas of falsehood, obscenity, and opposition to God; that have infiltrated the Church of England and the world church, and break every chain.
Fill all your people with your Holy Spirit and give them uncompromising faith in this world, just like the faith of teacher Sutcliffe.
So that we may be a holy global church, identifying ourselves as good soldiers of Jesus, sharing in his sufferings and making straight the way for his coming before he returns!
Protect and defend the next generation, especially those who too easily adopt culture and values, and raise up a generation like Daniel's, that will rise up to serve and love God alone and be victorious! And raise up a holy army that will stand together in the final revival!