[Field Story] Uzbekistan, a Good Shepherd for the Flock

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Hello, my name is Bonu and I live in Uzbekistan.
Since I was young, my father drank often. Drinking led to domestic violence, and it is continuing even to this day.
In Uzbek society, which strongly favors boys, I was born as the youngest daughter of a poor family and grew up discriminated against from my older brothers.
It was a sad and unfair life, but the one who cared for me and looked after me like a mother was my older sister Sevara.
With her support and care, I recently moved to the capital to attend college. While staying there with my older sister, I naturally came to learn about Jesus whom she believed in.
My older sister was also a Muslim from birth, but after learning about Jesus through her friend, she became a Christian and she always told me about the goodness and love of Jesus.
At first, I couldn't understand everything my sister was saying, but as I went to worship gatherings and read the Bible with my sister, I gradually began to realize that Jesus is the Son of God and my only savior.
I have accepted Jesus, but I still do not have confidence in my faith. Please pray for me that I will believe and rely on Jesus, who is the truth, and that my life will be changed by His love and I will be filled with joy.
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.” (John 10:14-16)
Heavenly Father who loves and shepherds Uzbekistan,
We thank you that you loved Sister Bonu so much that you became a true shepherd to Sister Bonu , who as the youngest daughter of a poor family, suffered from discrimination and her father's violence.
Although her life was sad and unfair, Bonu came to know Jesus Christ through the love and service of her older sister, Sevara, and through worship and scripture, she came to confess that Jesus is her only Savior. We confess that all this is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Please help Sister Bonu, who has accepted Jesus but is still unsure of her faith, come to know the Father better through the word and worship, and may she grow in maturity to be a disciple who only hears and follows the voice of Jesus.
May Sister Bonu spread the gospel in Uzbekistan following Jesus Christ, who gave up his life for the sheep, and let the churches in Uzbekistan become churches that lead all sheep to Jesus, the true shepherd, and prepare the way for the return of Jesus Christ!