[Field Story] Uyghur, love and rely on God alone

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Hi! I'm Laila from Uyghur.
I was born in a multicultural family with a Uyghur mother and a Russian father.
One day, I was invited to a friend's party and we sat together and watched some performances, including dancing and singing, and my heart was touched when the last act was a Christian play.
After the performance was over, the pastor came out and spoke, and in the middle of it, we saw a video of Jesus on the cross.
As I watched the video, I couldn't stop tearing up for no reason, and when the pastor finished speaking and asked us to say the prayer of acceptance at the end, I said every word of it. I wanted so badly to believe that God was with me and loved me at a time in my life when I had no one else to turn to.
When I heard that there was a worship meeting the next day, Sunday morning, in the same place, I said I would definitely come tomorrow, and that's how we worshipped together for two weeks in a row. As we sang along to the songs, lifted our hands, and worshipped together, I experienced an outpouring of God's joy and grace in me. hallelujah!
My mom used to work for a local Korean company when she was younger, so when I told her I was going to a community with Korean co-workers, she was all for it.
Please join me in praying that every prayer I confess with my lips will be fulfilled in my life, that I will continue to build relationships with these partners and that my family will experience this grace!
In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me? (Psalm 56: 10-11)
Amen God! We praise You, Lord, for doing a new work in Laila's life!
How thankful we are that after a life of not knowing You, Laila has come to know Your love and has been renewed by the grace of the gospel of the cross.
Thank You for being in Laila's life when she could rely on nothing else. As she chooses to rely on you alone, pour out your grace on her every day and make her a child who is being moulded in you.
We pray that through Laila, her family will also turn to You. Through Laila's transformed life, may a heart for You rise like water in her home, and may they be built up as a strong and holy family in You!