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[Field Story] Saudi Arabia, the light of the world that will prepare the way for the Lord


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Hello. My name is Brother Volos and I live in Saudi Arabia.

I was born a Muslim, but since I was young, I wanted to leave Islam because of my religious education and strict teachings. When I was in my late 20s, I went to study abroad and suddenly returned home after the coronavirus.

After that, I stayed in my room for over a year and then I read the Bible my mother gave me and accepted Jesus. I realized that the Word is truly powerful! Hallelujah!

Thankfully, after I read the Bible, I started to leave my room. As I read the Bible, I realized the amazing fact that it only talks about Jesus from beginning to end. Whenever I read the New Testament, tears flow without me realizing it and the grace of the Word is great.

One day, I fell asleep while reading the Bible and crying, and I had a dream. There, a person covered in flames appeared and approached me. I had so many questions, so asked many questions and he answered them. While we were talking, I realized that I had not told him to sit down, and at the moment I told him to sit down, he showed me our nation under the chair!

I believe that the Lord showed me a vision! Please pray that I can believe in the testimony of the Holy Spirit every day and be established well as a leader of our nation!

We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” (John 9:4-5)

God the Father, who is the way, the truth, and the life, thank you for allowing Brother Volos to realize the true truth through reading the Bible and to accept the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe that it was the work of the Holy Spirit that made him realize that the Bible is about Jesus from beginning to end while reading it.

Lord, who gives you boundless grace every time you read the Word, please let me grow to the full measure of Christ’s faith through the Word.

Lord, who showed him a vision through a dream, we believe that you chose Brother Volos for the kingdom of God from the beginning.

There are souls like Brother Volos who have been educated in Islam since childhood, but rather want to leave Islam. Please meet the souls of Saudi Arabia who serve false gods and are entangled in religion and carry heavy burdens.

When Brother Volos goes out to preach the gospel in Saudi Arabia, may the youth of the Lord, like the morning dew, arise!

So that they may prepare the way for the Lord to return in the end times and advance toward the nations, and may they do the Lord's work as the light of the world!

Saudi Arabia, arise! Spread the water of life! Fulfill the word! Ishmael, be restored! From Mecca to Jerusalem, advance, advance!



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