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[Field Story] Kyrgyzstan that will save all nations through the fullness of the Holy Spirit

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Hello. I am Sua, living in Kyrgyzstan.

Before I believed in Jesus, I could not find the meaning of life and did not understand myself. Although I challenged and tried to achieve many things, there was always an emptiness in my heart.

One day, while talking with my Korean teacher, the teacher told me about a vision he had in Syria.

It was about a Muslim woman he had met when he had a vision and went to hell. The teacher told me this. "I had never talked to the Muslim woman about Jesus, but she shouted at me and said, 'Why have you never told me about Jesus!' and resented me."

Later, the teacher told me that he had actually met the Muslim woman he had met in that vision and had talked to her about Jesus.

After hearing that story, I also became curious about who Jesus was, so I went to the teacher that day without telling my friends and told him that I wanted to know more about Jesus.

A few days later, I met the teacher privately and learned about Jesus, and I heard that if I believed that Jesus forgave my sins, I could receive eternal life. At that time, I felt peace and a change in my heart without realizing it, and I decided to believe in Jesus!

After that, things did not go only smoothly after I believed in Jesus. When I was about to go out for a meeting with the teacher on Sunday, my mother scolded me, saying, "You come home late every day because you study on weekdays, so why are you going out on Sunday?" and "Don't go anywhere and just do your housework."

At that time, I shared these difficulties with the teacher and prayed for God to open up the situation and environment, and I was able to come to church the next Sunday!

Through a different event, I lost a precious thing that I cherished, and I felt bad for a while, but through prayer, I came to acknowledge that it was God who gave it to me and that it was God who took it away. Then, my heart quickly found peace, and with the help of many co-ministers, I received the grace to overcome.

Now my life has completely changed! Since I received Jesus, my heart has always been filled with peace, joy, and confidence. Please pray that I may know Jesus more and become a person is like Him!

God said, “In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17)

Father God, who wants all nations to be saved and know the truth, I praise the Lord who is raising up the work of salvation today.

Thank you for allowing Sister Sua from Kyrgyzstan, who had always felt empty and could not find the meaning of life, to hear the gospel and to decide to believe in Jesus and accept Him. We believe that only Jesus can bring true peace and that our satisfaction comes only from God.

Please help us find the Lord through prayer through the community and coworkers even in the midst of difficulties and hardships that come as we believe in Jesus, and train us to be good soldiers of Christ Jesus.

God, who promised to pour out your spirit upon all flesh in these last days, anoint Sister Suah with the oil of the Holy Spirit so that through Sister Suah, the young generation in Kyrgyzstan may see the vision of salvation for mankind and spread the gospel of Christ, the true truth, to the nations!

In this way, please bring revival to Kyrgyzstan and make it a nation that prepares the way for the return of Christ!



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