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[Field Story] Myanmar, faith will be strengthened


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Hello. My name is Minsa and I live in Myanmar.

I am a YG Bamar person who has been a believer of Jesus for three years.

When I was 10 years old, my father left to work in Malaysia due to the difficult economic situation, and after nine years of living with my mother without hope, she found peace and grace while haring worship from the church and started going to church herself.

I was no longer able to go to school due to legal action because I was part of the student movement for democracy during the military coup in Myanmar, but I am very happy and grateful to be teaching my friends from the children's ministry of my church.

Recently, I was terrified that I was going to be drafted into the military, so I clung to God in prayer and something amazing happened

I prayed while holding onto Joshua 1:9, and the draft age of 18 was changed to 24 in my area! I once again experienced a living God who answered my prayers.

I confess that God is the only hope for the land of Myanmar, and I want to be a pastor who saves souls by following God's word.

Please pray for me so that living for the Lord will become my joy and everything, and that I will be someone who saves Myanmar and all the souls!

As they traveled from town to town, they delivered the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for the people to obey. So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers. (Acts 16:4-5)

God, thank you for allowing a young man in Myanmar to go to church on his own, to trust Yeshua, and to live a joyful and thankful life, despite difficult circumstances.

We pray that Minsa’s confession that God is the only living hope, will be deeply planted in Myanmar, and that many young people will be raised up in the midst of difficult circumstances to put their hope in Yeshua alone.

May they forsake all vain and futile idols, to keep Your Word, and may the churches grow stronger in faith and increase in number day by day, and may the work of the Holy Spirit fill Myanmar.

As the day of rour coming draws near, may the work of preaching the gospel with all our might and preparing the way for rour coming extend beyond Myanmar to Jerusalem!


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