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[Field Story] boldly races to the signpost, Turkiye

Hello, my name is Tuba and I live in Turkiye.

I used to pray and seek Allah all the time in high school out of hunger, but after a period of unanswered emptiness, I decided to become an atheist, saying that ‘there is no Allah’.

When I was in college, a friend introduced me to a worship group, and for some reason, I felt compelled to keep coming, so I started attending every week.

I began to fellowship with people who believed in Jesus, and I wanted to know what it was like to have an encounter with Jesus.

Then I felt compelled to go to the Easter service, and when I attended, I experienced the Holy Spirit touching my heart during praise, and that day I confessed my faith in Jesus.

After believing in Jesus and continuing my life of faith, I gradually became unwilling to leave the church due to my mother's constant opposition and difficulties with one of the church members, who did not have the same mind with me. It seemed too difficult to continue walking the path of faith under these circumstances.

Looking at me, my co-workers held my hand and prayed for me, and when I prayed once again for God's love that does not let go of our hands and does not give up on us, I was able to entrust all the problems with my mother and the problems with the laggards in the church to God, and I have been going to worship with all my heart every week since then.

I went on a short-term mission because I wanted to attend my dream school and share the saving grace that saved me, and now I am preparing to go on a year-long mission. There were many difficulties in the preparation process, but I confess that I am so grateful for God's great love for me, who knows my heart for Him, hears all my prayers, and sends me there.

As we go into the mission field with faith to prepare the way for the Lord's coming, we will also see the Turkish peoples along the Silk Road rise up! Please pray that God will be glorified through the obedience of my team as we go, and that we will build His church and make disciples!

14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. 20. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21. who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body. (Philippians 3:14,20-21)

Praise be to Jehovah God for doing wonderful and beautiful works of salvation in our lives.

We hear that Sister Tuba, who eagerly pursued the path of Islam as a high school student, became an atheist with an empty heart, but by the grace of the Lord, she found God and dedicated her life to Him.

How beautiful it is to see how God has guided her life.

God, she is taking the gospel to the nations for one year

There will be fears and many challenges along the way,

but we desire for her to keep her eyes on You.

Sister Tuba encountered a God who does not give up on her life.

May she remember God and run toward the signpost in the power of Your grace.

May her heart also reveal Christ to the souls she will serve.

Allow her to look forward to the God she experienced, more than the God we have experienced so far,

and in every circumstance, allow her to press forward to the end, with hope of the glory of God and the glory of heaven.

Allow her to be bold as she reveal and manifest Christ.

May many lost souls return and glorify You through your work on our sister!

Sister Tuva will proclaim eternal victory and hope among the Turks!

O Turkic peoples, be bold witnesses of Christ and advance to the end!

All nations! Glorify the Lord alone!


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