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[Field Story] A People Empowered by the Cross, Egypt

Updated: Sep 26, 2024

(The photo above has nothing to do with the content.)

Hello, I am Joseph who lives in Egypt.

I am a 17-year-old Muslim who makes money by washing people’s cars.

When I was sitting alone in the trunk of my car in the garage, Korean friends came up to me and greeted me.

Since the area where I live, Mansoura, is not a place with many foreigners, I was surprised why they came to this area for a trip.

They showed a lot of interest in me and talked to me and gave me gifts. And they told me about Jesus. My friends kept asking me questions, but I had a hard time understanding what they were saying, so they slowly spoke to me in Arabic, one word at a time. When I listened carefully, they said, “I want you to go to heaven. Do you believe in Jesus?” I felt that the gospel of the cross and the love they had shared with me were true. So I said, “I will believe.”

My friends asked me three times and even used a translator because they didn’t believe me. Even so, when I said I would believe, they encouraged me to read the prayer together.

I read the prayer and my friends were so happy and touched that they gave me a small Bible.

I think this is what it feels like to receive God’s grace. There are so many Muslims around me, but I have never been convinced that this path is the truth. The complete assurance of truth for me was the love of Jesus Christ on the cross. Please pray with me so that I can become a child of God who believes that God is with me every day!

For he was crucified in weakness, but lives by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but in dealing with you we will live with him by the power of God. (2 Corinthians 13:4)

God who loves Egypt, thank you so much for allowing Brother Joseph to hear about Jesus, the Savior, and to believe in the power and love of the cross.

Also, thank you for allowing God’s work to advance through those who are weak but bear witness to the power of the cross.

We praise God the Father who does not condemn or judge us, but gives perfect love to both the preacher and the listener!

Just as Brother Joseph heard the truth and accepted it with joy, may countless souls in Egypt respond with Amen, not silence, to the power of the cross through Brother Joseph, and may they enjoy the power of life and resurrection and long for the hope of heaven.

Therefore, may the life of God be revealed and may the Egyptian people follow the path of Jesus Christ, and may they testify to the kingdom of God and the hope of heaven among Arabs and all peoples!


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