[2023 Ramadan Day 16] The Medes Army who Have No Regard for Silver or Gold, the Kurds!
Updated: Jul 4, 2023

“Behold, I am stirring up the Medes against them, who have no regard for silver and do not delight in gold. (Isaiah 13:17)”
The Kurdish people are descendants of the biblical "Medes" people and have been without a country ever since the fall of the Medes Empire. They live scattered across Türkiye, Syria, Iran, and Iraq. More than half of them, about 25 million, live in Türkiye and have a long Islamic history and a family-oriented, conservative Islamic faith.
In the early morning hours of February 6, a large earthquake measuring 7.8 magnitude struck eastern Türkiye and northern Syria. These are all areas inhabited by the Kurdish people. The death toll has surpassed 47,000, and millions have been left homeless. Those who lost loved ones in the earthquake have found it difficult to cope with the reality of the situation, and many have turned their anger towards the government for failing to prepare for the earthquake. Their broken hearts cannot be comforted by anything, and the love of Jesus Christ, which gives eternal comfort and peace, needs to be spread more quickly than anything else!
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)”
The situation for the Kurdish people looks hopeless, but God is doing great works! Last winter, a young generation (YG) team met Sister R, who after reading the Quran, discovered that Islam is false, and wanted to know more about Jesus after being introduced to the Bible. After hearing the gospel and testimonies through the Korean YGs, she confessed her desire to believe in Jesus as they began to do bible study together. As they prayed together for the earthquake in Türkiye, she broke down in tears as realized that Jesus was the one who had given her a mournful heart and prayed the acceptance prayer. Hallelujah! The earthquake is shaking the hearts of the Kurdish people!
In 2019, a missionary, who served the Kurdish people, was martyred while fulfilling his calling by witnessing the gospel until the end. Since then, God has begun a great revival in this land.
Diyarbakir Church: 80 people are worshipping and sending leaders to cities in the surrounding area. They are serving the southeastern part of Turkey, including the Hatay region which was hard-hit during the earthquake.
Adana Church: In 2022, A YG team has pioneered in this new city, witnessing to Kurdish YGs and pioneering worship gatherings, where they have met many different ethnicities (Turks, Kurds, Africans, Europeans, etc.). They have started worship services to pray for the nations together. They have also been planting workplace churches, preparing a cafe-restaurant since the beginning of this year.
Van Church: There are many refugees from the Persian region along with the Kurdish local church. The local churches are consistently sending church planting teams to other cities with no church. The Kurdish young people recently partnered with another local YG who returned from serving in Maghreb Window and are serving Sunday gatherings together.
Urfa Church: During the 2014 Kobani crisis, there was a large refugee exodus of ethnic Syrian Kurds, and medical relief teams from the country and the Americas came and served in this region. Due to the geopolitical situation, a local church has been planted and they worship in an area that is highly sensitive to outsiders and blindly religious.
Antep Church: There is a Persian church and an Arab church. The Arab church was founded by Kurds fleeing the war in northern Syria. There are satellite cities that were completely destroyed by the earthquake, and we hope to open a channel for the gospel to open through earthquake relief ministries and summer cultural exchange events.
“Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power, in holy garments; from the womb of the morning, the dew of your youth will be yours (Psalm 110:3)”
As the global church prays for the Kurdish people during Ramadan, may the Kurdish people not seek the face of Allah but our God. They must encounter Him! Lord! May the gospel which is more powerful than death, be quickly witnessed to the Kurdish people in the midst of their suffering! May they come before You as a great army of young men and women who will not bow their knees to the world, and who will not look to silver and gold, but who will rise up as the morning dew preparing for the end times! Let's pray for the Kurdish people together!
[Today’s Prayer]
1. Above all things, the gospel must be preached quickly! Lord, would you send out laborers into Your harvest who will go forth with a father's heart to reach this people with the gospel.
2. Relief efforts are being centered around the earthquake-affected areas. May God's comfort and love flow into the hearts of the brokenhearted and help reach those in need.
3. Through Ramadan, may Kurdish people become thirsty for the truth and encounter the one and true living God!