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[Today's Prayer] 'Sectarian Clash': Vehicle Convoy Attacked in Northwestern Pakistan... "16 Dead"

16 people were killed in an ambush attack on a vehicle convoy in northwestern Pakistan, where sectarian clashes have continued since late last year.

According to AFP and other sources on the 17th (local time), 33 vehicles carrying food such as rice and two medical supplies were ambushed by armed assailants in the Kurram area of ​​Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan, the previous day.


It is not known whether the perpetrators of this attack were Shiites or Sunnis.

The attack occurred amidst retaliation that has continued since 52 people were killed in the Kurram area when two Shiite vehicle convoys were shot by armed assailants in November of last year. So far, about 150 people have died.

The two sides have agreed to a ceasefire several times, but it has not been resolved. Most recently, a ceasefire was reached on the 1st through mediation by elders, but a few days later, a convoy was attacked again, injuring several people.

Kurram is the only region in Pakistan where Shiites outnumber Sunnis, and sectarian conflicts over land issues have occurred intermittently for decades.

In Pakistan, a Muslim-majority country, most Muslims are Sunni, with Shiites making up only 15% at most.

Source: Asia Economy

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.(Matthew 18:21-22)

We hear the sad news that 16 people were killed or injured in an attack on a convoy in the Kurram region of northwestern Pakistan.

The Kurram region is a region where Shiites outnumber Sunnis, and sectarian conflicts continue in this region.

Lord, please have mercy on the souls of Pakistan who are without any hope, fighting in sectarian conflict.

Please forgive those who are divided into Sunnis and Shiites in Pakistan and do not forgive each other but seek revenge.

Please lead the souls of Pakistan to forgive each other through the grace of Jesus’ cross.

May you break all the chains of sin and death that bind them.

We confess that the only solution to the sectarian conflicts in Pakistan that have continued for decades is the blood of Jesus. Just as Jesus forgave all the sins of the souls of Pakistan, now let them forgive and love each other through the blood of Jesus. Lord, please work this out through the Pakistani church.

In this dark age when love grows cold, please let the Pakistani church fulfill its mission to spread the love of Jesus. Please let the souls of Pakistan who do not forgive come to know the forgiveness and love of Jesus through the Pakistani church. So that the chain of retaliation that has been in conflict for decades will be broken, and the Pakistani people who have been held captive by Islam will return to the Lord!

Let the Pakistani people now rise up as the Lord's army that goes out to all nations, spreading the love of Jesus!



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