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[Today’s Prayer] UN, South Sudan floods affect 1.4 million people… 7 million food supply unstable


The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) announced on the 9th (local time) that the humanitarian situation in South Sudan is worsening due to the worst flooding that occurred last month. According to an OCHA situation report, more than 1.4 million people across 43 counties in South Sudan have been affected by floods since last month, representing 13 percent of the total population.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) said that as of last month, more than 7 million people in South Sudan were experiencing food insecurity and 1.65 million children were suffering from malnutrition.

South Sudan is a landlocked African country that gained independence from Sudan in 2011. The civil war was triggered in 2013 when President Salva Kiir accused the then-Vice President of plotting a coup.

A peace agreement was signed in 2018 through Ethiopian mediation, and a coalition government was formed in 2020, but the clashes between the two forces continued.

With political instability compounded by the worst flooding in decades, social unrest and humanitarian crisis in South Sudan are expected to deepen for the time being.

Source: News

“Shall I leave their innocent blood unavenged? No, I will not.” The Lord dwells in Zion!” (Joel 3:21)

Amen! God, South Sudan is suffering from flooding and civil war. More than 7 million people are food insecure, and 1.65 million children are malnourished. Heavenly Father, who loves South Sudan and gave your Son Jesus Christ so generously for them, hear their cries.

You have not repaid the blood of South Sudan before, but now you will. We ask that You will establish yourself as king in South Sudan to rule and reign. Let there be a new revival in the land of South Sudan.

We pray especially for the churches in this land. We pray that the churches in the region will not leave the people in need behind but will actively help, and that they will pray with the heart of God for the many souls who are starving and dying in the floods, comforting them and sharing the name of Jesus.

May the presence of the Holy Spirit rest upon all the souls to whom the name of Jesus is preached, and may the mourning souls rejoice in their salvation, and may the land of South Sudan now be a land of praise and worship to God.



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