[Today's Prayer] Tunisia, a nation that shines the light of life to all nations

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Hello. My name is Ahmad and I am Tunisian.
I work as a security guard at a large company in the city, but my salary is very low, and I barely make a living by collecting and selling plastic bottles after work.
I have four children and a mother who suffers from dementia. I also suffer from diabetes, so supporting my family was very difficult.
One day, while I was sitting alone in the park, someone came up to me and told me about Jesus.
When I heard that there was a savior in my hopeless life, I also wanted to meet him.
So I opened my heart to Jesus, accepted Him, and prayed that He would come to me.
After that, for several months, while listening to who Jesus was and who the Holy Spirit was, and learning more about Jesus, I met Jesus in a dream.
In my dream, Jesus came to me and said, “I will take you and the person who preached the gospel to you to heaven.”
I cannot read the Bible because I cannot read, but my faith is growing by listening to Bible tapes every day.
Please pray for me, who is sick with diabetes, and my mother, who is suffering from dementia, to be completely healed in the name of Jesus, and for my family to believe in Jesus and be saved.
Also, please pray with us so that countless souls in Tunisia who are living without hope like me can believe in Jesus the Savior!
There will be no more night, no need for light or sunlight; for the Lord God will shine on them, and they will reign forever and ever. (Revelation 22:5)
We praise our Lord God, who is the sun of Brother Ahmad and shines the light of life that dispels darkness.
Lord, we thank you for allowing the gospel of grace to be proclaimed to Brother Ahmad. We are thankful that the gospel that came to my brother became a good power that helped him overcome all the pain and sorrow in life.
We confess that only the Lord gives Brother Ahmad joy and satisfies his thirst. Please fill us with the grace of new life that the Lord pours upon us.
Please let all diseases go away and let the worries and concerns of life become joy and gratitude to the Lord.
Please help us share the grace of the Holy Lord, who turns death into life, anxiety into gratitude, and darkness into light, and proclaim the power of the holy Jesus Christ in the land of Tunisia.
Please shine your holy light on all those who mourn in Tunisia, and help them become a nation that proclaims the victory of the cross over all the powers of sin, thanks to the precious blood of Jesus Christ and the power of resurrection!
Please let that grace become a river and cover the entire land of Tunisia. Please help them to become a nation that proclaims the reign of our Savior Jesus Christ to all nations!