[Today’s Prayer] Religious persecution occurs in 192 of 198 countries worldwide

A new report says hostilities against religious people are on the rise worldwide.
According to the Christian Post (CP) in the United States, the Pew Research Center recently released a report stating that “government restrictions on religion remained at their highest levels globally in 2022.” This is the 15th study that investigated government restrictions and social hostility toward religion in 198 countries and regions.
The report said, “In 2022, harassment of religious figures by governments or social actors occurred in 192 of 198 countries worldwide,” which is two more than in 2021 and the highest level since the survey began.
“In 2022, governments in 186 countries persecuted people for their religious beliefs and practices, up from 183 in 2021,” the report said. “In 2022, religious groups or individuals harassed people on religious grounds in 164 countries, the same number as in 2021. Governments or civic actors harassed religious figures in 192 countries, with governments, civic groups and individuals all complicit in religious harassment in 158 countries.”
Christians experience harassment in most countries, reaching an all-time high of 166 in 2022.
In 111 countries, governments used physical violence against religious believers, and in an equal number of countries, social groups or individuals were involved in such harassment.
The most common form of religious harassment was property damage, which occurred in 61% of countries. Detention occurred in just under half (47%) of countries, while physical assault, displacement, and murder occurred in 45%, 26%, and 25% of countries, respectively.
American religious people have suffered property damage and physical assault, but no displacement, murder, or imprisonment on record. Another negative experience faced by American religious people involved “the use of force or coercion by organized groups in an attempt to dominate public life with their views on religion,” including the prohibition of some religious people from practicing in the country.
In 2022, Muslims were harassed in 148 countries, the highest number since the Pew Research Center began tracking the data.
The number of countries where Jews were bullied fell for the second year in a row, from a record high of 94 in 2020 to 90 in 2022. The number of countries where Hindus were bullied also hit a record high of 26 in 2022.
Source: News
“The Lord will save the dwellings of Judah first, so that the honor of the house of David and of Jerusalem’s inhabitants may not be greater than that of Judah. On that day the Lord will shield those who live in Jerusalem, so that the feeblest among them will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the Lord going before them. On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem. (Zechariah 12: 7-9)
We praise you, Lord, for saving your people and giving you glory.
As hostility and persecution against religious people increases around the world, we hear sad news that Christians have experienced harassment in most countries.
We pray for our partners in the global church who have to fear for their faith in Jesus. As they face physical violence, property damage, and even death, we ask for death-defying faith in their lives. For all those whose hearts may sometimes doubt that You are with them in the midst of their suffering, and who may find it difficult to accept why they have to go through this, we ask that You will comfort them and be with them day by day.
We believe there is glory after suffering. When a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it will bring forth much fruit. Never, their sufferings and persecutions are in vain. May the Christians of the Global Church, through persecution and suffering, be victorious in glory by bearing the cross!
We pray that Muslims and Jews who suffer from persecution among the nations will come to realize the truth of the gospel. Help them to know the way is possible because Jesus went to the cross first, and to realize that it is the only way we can live. May all the nations now realize the cross love of Jesus Christ, who suffered for us, and may we serve You together!
May all the global churches bear the pain of the nations together and complete history with the return of the Lord!