[Today's Prayer] Israeli lawmaker proposes bill to imprison Christians who share the gospel.

Two ultra-orthodox lawmakers from the ruling party, which formed a coalition led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, introduced a bill to punish Christians who preach the gospel.
Moses Gafni, a member of the National Assembly who proposed this bill, is a representative of the Jewish religious party and is considered to be a highly influential figure and a figure who sets the direction for the newly formed ruling party.
The bill against evangelism proposed this time presents automatic prison sentences for Christians who preach the gospel of Jesus. The penalty is 1 year in prison, and 2 years in prison for preaching the gospel to a minor under the age of 18.
The official explanation for the proposed law specifically emphasized the warning to stop Christian missions if the bill applies to those who engage in religious dialogue with Israelis of all religions.
The main purpose of this bill is to prevent Christians who follow Jesus (“Yeshua” in Hebrew) from giving Israelis a chance to even consider following Jesus.
This bill doesn't just make it a crime to have a simple personal conversation with another person about Jesus. It makes it illegal to solicit a person to convert one's religion through direct conversation, Internet evangelism, mail, or online. Anything that preaches the gospel to people of other religions, whether Jews or Muslims in Israel, is illegal.
Below is a brief summary of the bill.
"Anyone who solicits a person to convert to their religion in person, digitally, by mail or online is punishable by one year in prison. For minors, the sentence is two years in prison."
Anything related to the solicitation of religious conversion is made a crime. In recent years, missionary organizations centered on Christians are increasing their attempts to encourage conversion.
Source: Mission Today
Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.”
(John 13:20 ESV).
We praise God, Yeshua, who loves all peoples and will save them.
The gospel that started from Jerusalem will lead the Gentiles to salvation, and will eventually reach Israel, completing the kingdom of God.
At this time, when God's covenant was being fulfilled, the Israeli regime submitted a bill to imprison Christians who testified of the gospel.
We want the ploy of the heinous enemy who tries to block the fulfillment of God's covenant by blocking the passage of the gospel to be destroyed in the name of Yeshua. No matter how much the enemy struggles against us, we believe that God's covenant will always be fulfilled. May the work of seeing Yeshua, the son of David, begin in the darkness of the Jewish people.
Now that the Jews are returning to accept Yeshua as their Savior, please pour the fullness of the Holy Spirit that overcomes fear upon that church so that the gospel will not stop marching.
May all nations praise Yeshua God and look forward to the King who will come again in glory.
Maranatha! Amen, Lord Jesus, come quickly! Amen!