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[Today’s Prayer] Iraq Attempts to Lower the Age of Marriage for Women to 9… Controversy over “Legalization of Child Rape”

The Iraqi authorities are attempting to revise the constitution to legalize child rape by lowering the legal marriageable age for women from 18 to 9.

According to the Christian Post (CP), the Iraqi parliament is currently pushing forward with a revision to the “Family Law” led by the Shiite Coalition of Political Parties.

The revision not only lowers the marriageable age for women, but also significantly reduces women’s human rights, such as completely abolishing child custody, freedom of divorce, and inheritance rights. The Shiite Coalition of Political Parties claimed that “these measures are intended to protect girls from ‘immoral relationships.’”

In Iraq, there were attempts to revise the “Family Law” in 2014 and 2017, but they were thwarted due to opposition from human rights groups.

When this news was reported, a Christian group harshly criticized the Iraqi government. “The Iraqi law lowering the marriage age is legalizing child rape,” said Jeff King, president of the Christian persecution watchdog International Christian Concern (ICC). “Such attempts at legislation are common in the fundamentalist Islamic world.”

“Muhammad basically had multiple wives, and he married his favorite wife when she was 9 years old. Muslims argue that [lowering the marriage age] is ‘right and just and from God because Muhammad did it,’” King said.

“If this bill passes, it will effectively legalize the horrific and immoral rape of children in Iraq,” he said. “The international community needs to pay more attention and support to address this issue. This is not only a horrific and sinful issue, but we need to work on basic human rights and the protection of children. We need to support these women.”


According to UNICEF, 28% of Iraqi women are already married before the age of 18. Currently, marriage under the age of 18 is prohibited by law in Iraq, but marriage is possible from the age of 15 with the father's permission.

“Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” (John 14:17-18)

Dear God, we hear the terrible news that Iraq is trying to lower the marriage age for women to 9.

In addition, they say, "Muhammad basically had several wives, and he married the one he loved the most when she was 9 years old," and they claim that this is right, just, and from God.

Lord, please have mercy on those who try to legalize such a dirty sin under the name of protection, and let them quickly realize their sins and repent before you.

Though the women and children of Iraq are in despair and suffering right now, please let them meet the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth who never abandoned them like orphans, but loved them until death, and is still interceding for them. May they go to Jesus who can forgive all the sins of Iraqi souls and set them free!

Would you let the Korean church and the global church take the situation of the Iraqi people seriously and pray even more, and break all the powers of darkness disguised as Islam that are deceiving Iraqi souls and seeking an opportunity for sin, with the power of the cross.

Please help the souls of Iraq to no longer wander in lies and darkness, but let them joyfully praise Yeshua, the King and Savior of all nations, and let them become a holy Iraqi people who spread the name of Jesus among all nations!


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