[Today’s Prayer] “Coup makes Niger more vulnerable to extremist Islamic attacks”

The Open Doors Mission warned that the coup in Niger has made local Christians more vulnerable to attacks by Islamic extremists.
Niger's president, Mohammed Basum, who was elected democratically, was dismissed by the military on the 26th (local time).
Opendoor’s Illia Djadi, from Niger, expressed pity at this “unexpected development.”
He said, “Before the coup, Niger was a safe haven and an island of peace in a very unstable region. But now we have entered a new era of uncertainty, as extremist groups will make the most of this instability.”
“The coup is a ‘setback’ not only for Niger, but for the entire region,” he said. “Any instability will fall into the hands of the extremists. Niger faces security challenges along its borders, but has been the only country in the region that has been able to maintain some level of security. So there are thousands of refugees in Niger,” he explained.
“Niger has joined this radical group run by the military. This is a kind of domino effect. Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Chad, and now Niger. “Political instability can only benefit Islamic groups. They will all try to profit from political instability.”
source: Christiantoday
9 And the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, 10 for I am with you, and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city who are my people.” (Acts 18:9-10)
13 And you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. (Mark 13:13)
The coup in Niger has made local Christians more vulnerable to attacks by Islamic extremists.
Niger, the only country in West and Central Africa that has maintained some level of security, has joined a radical military-run group, putting it in a situation where Islamic groups are gaining ground.
God, would you protect Niger. May the few Christians in this land rise up strong and bold, do not be afraid, do not be silent, and preach that Yeshua is the only Savior.
No matter what hardships there may be, we believe that there is no one that can oppose and harm us because our Lord is with us. Help us to find the people of the Lord in Niger.
Thank you for allowing us to know that in the last days, revival is only looking at Yeshua, who is the light, in the midst of extreme suffering, rejoicing over the fact that we are hated by all people because of the name of Yeshua, and enduring it to the end, through the situations in the nations.
May the African churches, including Niger, prepare the way for the final coming of the Lord with the purest faith and preach the gospel to Jerusalem!