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[Field Story] Tatarstan, praising Jesus the Savior with joy

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Hello. My name is Namir (brother) and I live in Tatarstan.

I am still a teenager, but since I don’t have a father, I graduated from school early and am working.

In the past, when I lived with my father, whenever he drank, he would verbally abuse and assault my mother.

Seeing that, the most important value in my life became living a good life with a good heart.

So, I never drank or smoked, and I have tried to work and live honestly.

And not too long ago, I heard about Jesus.

No matter how hard I try to live a good life, I heard that people are sinners from birth and that Jesus died on the cross to save such sinners.

Listening to this story, I think I understand it in my head, but it is still difficult for my heart to accept it.

But I really want to know Jesus more.

Please pray that I can accept Jesus in my heart and become a person who lives by the grace of Jesus the savior.

Five days later the high priest Ananias went down to Caesarea with some of the elders and a lawyer named Tertullus, and they brought their charges against Paul before the governor. (Acts 24:1).
“We have found this man to be a troublemaker, stirring up riots among the Jews all over the world. He is a ringleader of the Nazarene sect and even tried to desecrate the temple; so we seized him.” (Acts 24:5-6).

We praise the Lord who is accomplishing an amazing work of salvation in Tatarstan today.

The Israeli leaders mentioned in the word tried to stop the spreading of the gospel because they did not know that Jesus died on the cross to save sinners.

However, we thank you, God, that you reveal yourself to those who seek you and that the gospel is spread more and more.

Lord, please come with the Holy Spirit in Brother Namir and help him realize that he is a sinner.

May you give him the grace to accept Jesus Christ, who bore the cross for us, as his Savior.

In this way, may he come to praise the amazing love of God who saved us, and furthermore, help him realize God’s plan to accomplish His work through us!

May this grace come to all who seek God like Brother Namir!


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