[Field Story] Free all the nations, Pakistan

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Hi I am Abdullah, from the tribe of Pashtun, living in Pakistan.
I had a girlfriend whom I really loved, and she came from a wealthy family, and she broke up with me because I was poor, and that that became a big scar for me .
I was determined to become rich after that, so I dropped out of school and came to Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, to study for certifications and build my skills.
On my 15th day in the capital, I met some Christian friends from Korea and went to a “Invite a friend party”, and when they shared the gospel with me, I accepted Jesus in tears.
I wanted to come to a gathering of young people of all ethnicities worshiping together, but I had to quit my job to go.
I prayed and talked to my employer about taking time off, but I've been scolded and my family, who are Muslim, have questioned why I needed time off.
I ended up not being able to make it to the meeting, but I was blessed to be able to attend the same meeting that my teen friends were doing.
In the prayer meeting, I repented of my former ignorance of the truth, and I confessed that because I know the true, I should go to all nations.
After this meeting, I was so busy with work that I didn't have the time to meet with my co-workers for about a week, during which time a number of concerns began to arise in my heart. I felt doubts about Jesus Christ, whom I had believed and accepted.
I started with whether or not the Bible is a reliable book, and then I realized that Jesus is a special person in Islam, and that Islam also has lessons about doing good and not loving the world, so I questioned what is the difference between Islam and Christianity, and I was afraid that if Jesus is false, what will happen to me after death, and if he is real, what will happen to my family and relatives.
My co-workers were troubled and began to open the Word and share, “The Word says that if you have received Jesus as your Lord, walk in him. It says to be rooted and built up in him, to stand firm in the faith as you were taught. I want you to be clear about this.”
When I heard those words, I really felt like I needed to repent before the Lord. In fact, it was hard and scary to talk to people around me because they questioned whether I believed in Jesus and said that I had changed lately.
I also worried about what would happen to my family, my relatives, and over a billion Muslims if the Jesus I believed in was true, but once again I decided that if I knew this truth, I had to share it with others.
The day I made my committed before God once again, I had a dream at night.
I dreamed that I was standing alone in a large jungle, pouring with rain and cold, and my co-worker brought me a big umbrella, put it over me, and led me to a good place.
There was a fear in my heart that believing in Jesus could get me killed, but I know that Jesus will be with me to the end! Please pray for me and Pakistan that I will continue to run with faith every day!
“even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.” (1 Corinthians 10:33)
Hallelujah! Praise be to the Lord for guiding Abdullah's life to the most righteous path!
Thank you, Lord, for meeting Abdullah and giving him the grace to repent of his former life, even though he tried to fill his wounded heart with the desires of the world. Not only that, but you made him realize the need to take the gospel to all nations.
Abdullah had doubts about Jesus, but when he shared them with his co-workers, the Lord broke his thoughts through His Word.
May Abdullah stand firm in the faith as he has been rooted, built up, and instructed in Jesus, just as your word says.
Abdullah has a heart of compassion for souls who don't know and believe in Jesus.
May Abdullah overcome all his fears and stand as a disciple of Jesus, boldly proclaiming the gospel to those around him who do not know Jesus!
Allow him to be a missionary who do not seek his own good, but the good of many, that they may be saved!
Through Abdullah, may not only his family and relatives, but also over a billion Muslims have the joy of salvation!