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[Field Story] Dagestan, a servant of Christ


(The text above is not related to the photo.)

Hello. My name is Hajija and I live in Dagestan.

I have been attending a worship gathering through Christians I met a few months ago.

For the past month, I haven't been able to go to worship meetings because I didn’t have someone to cover me at work.

Meanwhile, I was able to find a replacement at work, and for the first time in a long time, I went to the worship meeting with great anticipation.

At the worship meeting that day, we sang the song “All power and all authority.”

In the past, I went to worship meetings because I liked hanging out with my friends, but that day, I could believe every word of the praise that Jesus bore the cross for me and is my Lord.

And that day, I admitted and confessed that I was a sinner and that Jesus saved me as a sinner by dying on the cross.

Afterwards, my friends blessed me and explained to me about rebirth as described in the Gospel of John.

I have now become a new person in Jesus Christ!

There are still times when fear of living as a Christian in Dagestan and doubts about the Word of God creep into me, but please pray that I can keep my faith in Jesus until the end!

You were bought with a price; do not become bondservants of men. So, brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God. (1 Corinthians 7:23-24).

Praise the Lord, who loved our sister and allowed her to attend worship services and confess through her praise lyrics that Jesus saved her from sin by dying on the cross for her.

May you always accompany Sister Hajija, who was purchased by paying the price of the blood of Jesus, and help her to become a sister who now lives a reborn life as a servant of Christ, not a servant of man.

Whenever she feels fear about living in Dagestan as a Christian and has doubts about the Word of God, help her to remember her calling and help her become more of a sister who dwells with God in the community through the Word and prayer.

We desire for Sister Hajja's joy to flow into her workplace, her family, and into the lives of young people in Dagestan.

Would you help her gain the boldness to praise and spread the gospel and proclaim it, so that the freedom of being a servant of Christ can be given to the youth of Dagestan through Sister Hajija.

Therefore, through Sister Hajija, let an army of young people rise up who will follow Jesus' calling from Dagestan to all nations!



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