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[Field Story] Afghanistan that will victory with Christ until the end

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Hello, I’m Ali and I live in Afghanistan.

I had a friend named Rahim who was like a father in faith to me.

He was a friend who loved Jesus and my people to the point of returning to Afghanistan to preach the gospel after living in another country.

However, Rahim recently suffered persecution because of the name of Jesus, and eventually left to be with the Lord.

When our family heard this news, we felt great fear and wanted to run away, but we shared a tearful confession that we could never turn away from the image of Jesus who shed his blood for us.

I feel with my own skin that this faith that surpasses death does not come from us, but is poured out by the Holy Spirit.

Please pray so that the Lord, who says that He will be with Rahim until the end of the world, will hold Rahim's family and pour heaven's glory and comfort for Rahim's family to overcome.

And please pray so that our family can also bear the cross of Jesus that Rahim carried, to have faith until the end and be victorious.

For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end. (Hebrews 3:14)

Lord, who is our refuge, thank you for being Brother Ali’s eternal shepherd and guide.

Thank you for allowing me to grow in faith in Jesus and to carry the cross of Jesus together with my friend Rahim.

Lord, may Ali hold onto the original confidence firm to the end to see the the shing glory with Christ.

Let they walk the path of faith without fear and trusting in the promise of the Lord who has already prepared a place for us.

May the Holy Spirit help Rahim's family and Ali's family to run to the end through the refinement of faith that surpasses death and receive the crown of victory.

May more people of faith arise in Afghanistan, and let them become a victorious nation by holding on to Jesus who bore the cross even in the face of difficult and deadly situations.


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