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[Field News] A holy church that spreads the Lord’s love to all people, Bangladesh


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Hello. My name is Naema and I live in Bangladesh.

Last year, Koreans came to our school and taught us how to play musical instruments and even put on a puppet show.

I was so happy and had an unforgettable time then.

And this summer, I got to meet one of the people who came last time.

I was so happy that I invited him to our home, where he prayed for my family.

And at that time, I felt the love and peace of Jesus and had time to continue getting to know Him.

And starting last week, we started having worship meetings at our house.

Because it was a small-scale village, my mother, aunt, cousins, and my Korean friend's family gathered together in one room and praised Jesus.

We have decided to hold a worship meeting at our house every week from now on, and we want our house to become a church.

So, please pray for us so that we can get to know Jesus more every day and become disciples of Jesus who spread His message!

Beloved, I am not writing a new commandment to you, but an old commandment, which you have had from the beginning, which you have heard; and again I am writing a new commandment to you, true in him and in you; for the darkness is passing away; The true light is already shining (1 John 2:7-8)

Lord of love, we praise our Lord Jesus Christ, the master of the Bangladeshi people and the savior of Sister Naema.

Lord, thank you for allowing Sister Naema the joy and grace that comes from knowing you. The Lord shined the true light in Sister Naema's heart.

We look forward to all that the Lord will accomplish through Sister Naema’s life. May the entire family be saved through Sister Naema's faith, and may the grace flow like a river to save Bangladesh and all nations.

Please establish Sister Naema’s family as a holy family church in Bangladesh. In the eyes of the world, it is just a tiny small room, but I believe that the Lord will be pleased with the worship and praise offered in this small room.

The sound of joy praising the Lord resonated throughout the small-scale village, and may the poor, the sick, the broken, and the broken hearts of the world that the world did not pay any attention to were all restored by the love of the Lord and achieve an amazing work of eternal life.

Lord, may the entire land of Bangladesh praise You. Please anoint us to be a holy church that praises the Lord with beautiful sounds and spreads the love of the Lord, which is more precious than the money and fame of the world, to all people, according to the purpose for which the Lord created it!



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