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[2023 Ramadan Day 5] Make War in the name of the Lord Almighty, Kyrgyzstan

Tatiana Samuels

Updated: Jul 4, 2023

Kyrgyzstan, located in Central Asia, is one of the states of the former Soviet Union. After gaining independence in 1991, now, there are about 80 different people groups with the population of 6.5 million. The Kyrgyz people became islamized by the Turkic people in around 4th century and acquired the current language and national identity. In addition, due to the influence of the Battle of Talas in 751AD, the Kyrgyz people accepted Islam, which was based on the idea of the heavenly gods and became a people with so-called 'folk Islam' beliefs.

Kyrgyzstan, which had been hidden under the Iron Curtain as a member of the Soviet Union, became independent with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 and through a democratic revolution, achieved democratization in 2005, the first among Central Asian countries. However, behind this superficial democratization, not only political instability and economic backwardness, but also territorial and resource disputes with neighboring countries have made Kyrgyzstan an underdeveloped country. Due to this national atmosphere, Kyrgyzstan's young people cannot dream of their future, so they leave Kyrgyzstan and settle down in a foreign country.

Under such a social climate, Kyrgyzstan souls are very poor. Unfortunately, it is Islam that has crept into their empty hearts in an atmosphere where they cannot find any hope. In the 2000s, just before the first revolution, an Islamic revival movement began to blow through this people with enormous support from Islamic powers. Currently, the number of mosques in Kyrgyzstan exceeds the number of elementary, middle and high schools, and the largest mosque in Central Asia is located in its capital city. Even the zealous Muslims of Kyrgyzstan say that Muslims in Türkiye, who have become secularized, need to restore Islam, and are undertaking Islamic mission in reverse. Following this spiritual trend, more and more people participate in the fasting procession during Ramadan every year. The religious spirit of Islam is becoming stronger, as people, for example, commit to pray five times a day starting from Ramadan.

On the other hand, the depressed atmosphere of the churches in this land has been going on for a long time. The church's gospel movement, which was very passionate until the early 2000's, has slowed down, and the church -- which has not responded to the rapid changes of the times -- is helpless in the face of powerful spiritual challenges. Because of this reality, some Christians profess their faith in the church during Ramadan, but try not to reveal their faith at school, work, or in their village. They even try to avoid hardships by fasting in time with Muslims during Ramadan, being conscious of the gaze of their neighbors.

Nevertheless, we believe that God is the one who shines light in the midst of darkness and reveals his glory. During Ramadan last year, Sister A, whom we met in the Talas district, (spiritually the darkest city in Kyrgyzstan) was an elderly lady who had followed Islamic law all her life. However, as a fundamental question arose about her empty religious deeds during Ramadan, she actually stopped fasting. Then, when we preached the gospel to sister A, she said that she has had no credit for all her actions so far, and accepted salvation through the atoning grace of Jesus by faith and decided to follow Jesus.

How I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you in public and from house to house, testifying both to Jews and to Greeks of repentance toward God and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:20-21)

Although the reality is dark, we believe that God is raising up and holding onto people who hope in this nation and are doing His will. Brother S, who believed in Jesus in his youth but had to endure great persecution and suffering because of his faith, saw the spiritual needs of the people around him and began to serve the souls even though he was a layman. Unexpectedly, many people started to gather and a church was planted. This church called the “church for all nations” is handling domestic mission centered around young people, to nearby villages and other provinces. Additionally, they are praying to send overseas missionaries only with the strength of Kyrgyz believers and is raising disciples and collecting donations.

Furthermore, young Kyrgyz Christians who received mission training and lead the gospel mission movement took time and travelled 6 hours away from the capital city, despite their own work and studies, in order to bear the revival that will begin in the next generation throughout the land. They continued serving and pioneered mission training, and through them, two young people went on short-term missions. When those who have never preached the gospel begin to preach the gospel to those who were seeking God with an empty and thirsty heart, young people with a passion for the gospel like these will rise up.

It seems that the lies of Islam, which are deceiving the souls of this land who are wandering with empty and thirsty hearts in darkness are captured, but in this time of darkness, the YGs of the Lord, like the morning dew, are rising with light!

Lord! During this month of Ramadan, may the power of the Gospel appear among those souls who are in despair of the world and are trampled by lies that cannot see God! Through the blood of Jesus, let them come from death to life and from darkness to light!

[Today’s Prayer]

1. During Ramadan, we desire for the souls of Kyrgyzstan to meet Jesus Christ, who is the one and only Truth! Lord, would you go to them in the midst of their empty and thirsty hearts and allow them to hear the gospel! Pour out faith from heaven so that they may receive salvation!

2. May the flow of rapid re-Islamization and secularization in Kyrgyzstan be cut off and may the power of the gospel cover this land! Let the churches of this land rise up like fire, relying on the Holy Spirit, and in all 1,000 villages, 39 cities, 7 states may they lead revival through gospel and mission movement!



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