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[2023 Ramadan DAY 3] The great army that will advance to the ends of the earth singing a new song

Updated: Jul 4, 2023


Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world. 230 million, or 87% of the total population, are Muslims. Jakarta, the capital, is a predominantly Muslim city with over 4,000 mosques.

In Indonesia, it is compulsory to observe Ramadan fasting for adults to children from age 7. Children in elementary schools would say that they are neither hungry nor thirsty during Ramadan, but in the afternoon you can often see them exhuasted and falling asleep. There are people who keep Ramadan even as they work and sweat in construction sites, and contrarily there are people who close their shops and just sit around lazily during the day. Muslims in Indonesia keep the Ramadan fast for forgiveness of sins, but when asked, they say it is a duty to keep to receive a reward from Allah.

Among the Islamic communities that continue their faith blindly by custom, the generation responding to the Gospel the fastest is the next generation. A community of faith has been pioneered in this land since the end of July last year, centered on children and youth under the age 14. Now we gather together on Sundays and weekdays to sing praises and learn about Jesus. Even in the national ideology of “Pancasila,” which restricts the preaching that “Jesus is the only way and the truth,” we desire for this generation of faith to rise and confess that only Jesus is the savior.

We hope that during this Ramadan, the true rest and joy of heaven that comes only from Jesus will be poured upon the countless souls of Indonesia who have lost their jobs due to Covid and have no hope in the world.


The official name of Brunei is “Brunei Darussalam,” which means a country in which complete peace has been achieved through Islam. Islam first came to Brunei in the 15th century when the king of Brunei married a Malaysian princess. Since then, Muslim refugees and merchants from neighboring countries who lost their way amid the invasions of European powers flocked to Brunei.

The British invasion and frequent civil wars left Brunei in a state of desolation. However, with the discovery of oil and natural gas off the coast of Brunei in the early 20th century, Brunei achieved tremendous wealth and development.

The royal family, elected through the first election in 1960, governs Brunei by controlling the media with absolute power and through the huge oil profits until now. Also, Brunei's central national policy is "integration into one language, one people, and one country," and for this purpose, the citizens are monitored and restrained in finance and with various systems. In particular, right after Ramadan, the gates of the palace where the emperor lives are opened, and the emperor gives about 100,000 won of pocket money to the children he meets, and gifts of precious food to the young and old. In this way, the people swear allegiance to the emperor and await this day.

In Brunei, an antichrist system disguised as Islam and emperor worship is being built. In 1999, three believers were arrested for preaching the gospel, and in 2013, the Islamic religious Sharia law was introduced as the state law, completely banning evangelism and entry of missionaries. In addition, possession of a Bible or celebrating Christmas is subject to criminal punishment, and the closing down of churches and persecution against Christians is being accelerated. As a result, Brunei churches are shrinking back and are afraid to preach the gospel.

“And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘The words of him who has the sharp two-edged sword. I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is. Yet you hold fast my name, and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.’” (Rev 2:12-13)

However, God has decided to raise up the Brunei church. Recently, God brought together pastors and youth leaders from registered and underground churches in Brunei, and allowed them the grace of mission training! Many young people listened to the news of the nations and prayed together for them. The pastors and young people confessed, “Now is the time for the Brunei church to preach the gospel too! God will give us wisdom and strategy,” “The young people of our Brunei church are going abroad to study and find good jobs. We need to raise disciples and send them out as church planters,” “Our church previously went to Malaysia and Indonesia for evangelism trips before COVID, and we have decided to resume our outreach trips again!”

Hallelujah! We believe that God will raise up the Brunei church as a powerful church that will break Satan's throne! When we boldly testify the gospel to the locals of Brunei according to our calling, may a generation arise in Brunei that will not bow their knees to the throne of Satan!

[Today’s Prayer]

1. May the countless Muslims in Indonesia experience the grace of encountering Jesus Christ through dreams and visions during this Ramadan! Would you pour out more of the Father's heart toward Muslims among the churches and ministers of Indonesia, and wherever the word of truth is proclaimed, may countless Muslims repent and return to the Lord!! Let the converted Muslims of Indonesia rise up as a powerful army of the gospel leading Muslims from all nations to the Lord!

2. For the souls of Brunei who are dying because they have not heard the gospel. May the churches of this land rise up strong and boldly like Antipas, a faithful witness, and testify of the gospel! In the land of Brunei, where there are many unknown martyrs, may the church now rise up with the spirituality of martyrs, and accomplish the nation’s vision of “Treasure 2%” – to send out 9000 missionaries and plant 100,000 churches! For this nation who could not hear the gospel, may all generations of the global church rise up to powerfully preach the gospel!


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